The Two Houses of Congress
Bicameral Legislature A legislature with two (bi) houses. – Wanted to make sure that small and large states would be fairly represented
Membership H.O.R- based on state population Senate- each state gets two senators
H.O.R. Originally- 1 representative for every 30,000 people Now, H.O.R. cannot exceed 435 members Every 10 years the census is taken to determine how to divide up the 435 seats – Some states lose representatives and some states gain reps.
Gerrymandering If a state has 10 representatives the state legislature is responsible for making 10 voting district. – 20 districts for 20 reps. Each district should be equal in population. Gerrymandering is drawing districts to favor a political party.
H.O.R. Term 2 years If the rep dies or resigns before their term is over the governor calls a special election to fill the seat.
Senate Membership Each state gets two senators-100 Term- 6 years – Only 1 third of senators is elected every two years – Ensures that at least 2/3 of senators have experience If a senator dies before the term is over, someone must take their place. Most state leave this up to the governor
Salary and Benefits of Congress $162,500 per year Offices in Capitol Building – Allowance to pay office staff – Free trips to home state Allowance for local/state offices and stationary (letters) Franking privilege- can mail official letters or packages free.
Benefits Cont’d Immunity when Congress is in session – Members cannot be arrested in session, or on their way to/from session Ensures that members are not kept from their duties for silly things…..right!!!
Rules of Conduct Both houses of Congress can decide who shall be seated as members Sometimes qualifications are questioned – Loretta Sanchez was questioned, an investigation made, and she was the winner The Supreme Court may review these actions as well (Checks and Balances)
Rule Cont’d Limits to the amount of outside income that can be earned Members must publically share how much they made
Violation of Rules Expulsion – Requires 2/3 vote of Senate or H.O.R. Censure – Formal disapproval – Must stand alone at the front of the H.O.R. or Senate and listen to the charges