Trialogue Session (Session 1.3.1) About Trialogues
Trialogue Session (Session 1.3.1) About Trialogues 1.Trialogues is a concept that emphasizes the need for government, science and civic society to work together in assessing risks and take adaptive actions to manage disasters more effectively 2.There is no one way of organizing a trialogue. In fact, they can also be referred to as poly-logues or even governance in general. 3.More social scientific research is needed to study institutional arrangements of co-production in the field of disaster management and draw recommendations on how to improve co-production 4.What is especially needed is the dissemination of experiences and practical tools and instruments to organize and manage the process of co-production between actors and stakeholders
Trialogue Session (Session 1.3.1) Major issues to be bridged 1.How to create awareness of risks among civic society and make them participate in disaster prevention and preparation 2.How to make governments concerned and take responsibility to strengthen risk management (including science and civic society) 3.How to go from consultation of stakeholders to integration of government, science and civic society (people and NGOs) in assessing risks, planning strategies and implementing solutions 4.How to facilitate knowledge sharing and joint learning between government, science and civic society 5.How to improve mutual understanding and a shared language between government, science and civic society
Trialogue Session (Session 1.3.1) Actions / initiatives to help the bridging process 1.How to go from consultation of stakeholders to integration of government, science and civic society (people and NGOs) in assessing risks, planning strategies and implementing solutions Establish and develop linkages and cross-sector initiatives and networks and bear in mind that this is a long term process Start now, do not wait until the disaster has occured Increase transparency and clarity of roles and strengthen institutions Bottom-up (regional) planning, including community participation by building the capacities of the civic society and include flood models and scientific information (e.g. water depth) in spatial plans
Trialogue Session (Session 1.3.1) Actions / initiatives to help the bridging process 1.How to go from consultation of stakeholders to integration of government, science and civic society (people and NGOs) in assessing risks, planning strategies and implementing solutions Create cooperative arrangements of government officials, scientists and representatives of civic society Develop and implement solutions that fit in, build on initiatives and capacities in civic society; isolated solutions can work counter-productive Take a holistic approach towards disaster management and sustainable development
Trialogue Session (Session 1.3.1) Actions / initiatives to help the bridging process 2.How to facilitate knowledge sharing and joint learning between government, science and civic society Collaboration between parties within countries but also between countries; international knowledge and experience exchange Strengthen capacities of governmental institutions, knowledge institutions, NGOs and community-based organizations
Trialogue Session (Session 1.3.1) Actions / initiatives to help the bridging process 3. How to create awareness of risks in the civic society and make them participate in being prepared for dealing with these risks Strengthen civic society with the aid of NGOs, especially in societies with stronger social networks, and use events to strengthen awareness and self-organization Repeat the story to the civic society to increase awareness and help remember the previous events with the assistance of science Empower civic society by using trigger events to get them involved by showing their vulnerability and to create responsibility of the civic society to act to decrease their vulnerability
Trialogue Session (Session 1.3.1) Actions / initiatives to help the bridging process 4.How to make governments concerned and take responsibility to strengthen risk management (including science and civic society) Promote international cooperation and knowledge exchange to strengthen capacities of governments Invest in resources before the disaster occurs
Trialogue Session (Session 1.3.1) Actions / initiatives to help the bridging process 5.How to improve mutual understanding and a shared language between government, science and civic society Ongoing conversations to build trust, confidence and clarity regarding who does what Get the 3 parties to the discussion table and visualize the risks and possible results Create an “in between institution” to overcome the language and culture barrier Academics and science can bring transparency that supports in convincing society about the risks and increase awareness, also among government officials
Trialogue Session (Session 1.3.1) Sound bytes Memories are short. We have remember disasters and keep telling each other the stories: again, again and again! A disaster is also a window of opportunity to maintain awareness and commitment; a a good trialogue starts well before the disaster occurs Trialogues not only manage the consequences, but address the risks Be the change you want to see in the world
Trialogue Session (Session 1.3.1) Initiatives ISDR call for contribution for its annual publication on disaster risk reduction “Disaster Reduction in Asia & Pacific AIT Relief packs for disaster management DeltaDialogues on managing processes of co-production