Enterprise: Animal Science Unit:Livestock selection Factor Information needed I. Intro.A. High quality livestock programs must have the ability to select quality animals.
II. General Selection A. Some traits that are profitable and common in all species. B. General female traits 1. Healthy 2. Femininity and type 3. Size for age 4. Reproductive efficiency 5. Longevity
C. Rules of thumb for culling females 1. Failure to reproduce 2. Wean light-weight or low grade offspring. 3. Develop a bad mammary system 4. Develop an incurable defect 5. Hereditary disease 6. Poor conformation
D. Male selection traits 1. contribute 50% of genetics to offspring, making them more important than any one female. 2. Select to improve herd weaknesses 3. Use pedigree information 4. Use performance data when possible 5. Good conformation is a must 6. Select for use of offspring (market or breeding?)
E. Market (feeder) animal selection: 1. Efficiency of gain 2. Healthy 3. Growth rate 4. Non-castrated males cause problems 5. Females generally reach grade and maturity faster, but yield lower (beef especially) 6. Buy weaned and pre-conditioned animals
III. Species selection A. Each species has its own traits to select for. B. Livestock judging gives students the chance to apply learned ideals. C. Learn to recognize the ideal and make judgments based upon that ideal. 1. Beef are selected for muscle, body volume, and structural correctness. a. Market animals must be fat enough to grade choice
Ideal Breeding Heifer Judging 101
Ideal Market Steer
Judging 101
2. Sheep are selected for muscle, trimness, size and scale, and structural correctness. Ideal Breeding Ewe Judging 101
Ideal Market Lamb
a. Lambs must be lean Judging 101Judging 101
3. Swine are selected on the five L’s a. Long, level, loose, lean, and large (muscling and size) Ideal Breeding Gilt Judging 101 Judging 101
Ideal Market Hog- Side View
Ideal Market Hog- Rear View
a. Market hogs must be lean Judging 101 Judging 101