Online Speaking Examination System RunTime5 Anadolu University
What is OSES? The subject of our project is “Online Speaking Examination System” and our project name is “OSES”. “OSES” is composed by initial letters of our project name of words. Recently, a lot of people have speaking exams for universities, job interviews or language exams. The most popular speaking exam is preparing class exam of universities. In these exams, students and teachers encounter a lot of difficulties.
The one difficulty is timing; they spend lots of time for examination. Students spend their time for waiting in queue and teachers spend their time for applying same exam to them. Another difficulty is performance; while teachers or the person who is applied exam, apply exam, they can’t have same performance and motivation. So, they don’t apply exam with justice. However, one of problem is objections. In speaking exams, there isn’t a record. Also, when students have an objection to their exam, evaluating of speaking exam isn’t done with justice by exam jury
At the end of project deadline, we purpose to develop a online speaking examination system. The first aim of the project is to provide people with a framework in which two or more people can make exam the same window. Secondly, we aim to store exam recording for objection and information.
Desktop Client: User can connect to server from this interface. Teachers can upload question to server and students can see their exam questions and answer them. Server Client: This client provides a connection between desktop clients. When an examination starts this client will start record conversation and safe them to the database. Database: In this database recorded data and information of students and teachers will be storage.