Status Of Tevatron Collider Experiments and its Physics 성균관 대학교 물리학과 유인태 유인태 Workshop on Physics at Hadron Colliders KIAS 2005 년 6 월 24 일
Contents Tevatron Status/Prospects Detectors Physics Results - Top - Electroweak - New Particle Searches - QCD - B Physics - Exotic Hadrons - Higgs Conclusion
Fermilab Tevatron Collider with =1.96 TeV Beam Parameters Beam Parameters Number of Bunches = 36 Number of Bunches = 36 Bunch Spacing Time = 396 ns Bunch Spacing Time = 396 ns CDF DØ
Operation Status (2005.5) Achieve the Luminosity goal ( ) Peak Luminosity ( ) Delivered Luminosity (> 1 fb -1 )
Operation Status Operation Status (2005.5) Data Taking Efficiency (~ 90%)
Operation Plan (~2009) Goal: Integrated Luminosity of ~ 8 fb -1 by 2009
CDF II Detector New Old Partially new Forward muon Endplug calorimeter Silicon and drift chamber trackers Central muonCentral calorimetersSolenoid Front end Trigger DAQ Offline TOF
Reconstruction of Track Trigger P T > 2 GeV/c > 3 Silicon Hits
DØ DØ Detector
Reconstruction of
Event Display
Physics Results Run II starts to produce many interesting results CDF published 16 papers and submitted 17 papers D0 published 16 papers and submitted 10 papers Run II papers use only < 400 pb -1 (5% of the goal) Many analyses are in progress and will be published soon
Top Physics X t p b b p t q 0 q l + W + Branching Ratios j V t b j Rare/Non-SM Decays Production Cross-section Spin Polarization Production Kinematics Resonances Charge Mass Width Spin W Helicity CP Violation Anomalous Couplings
Top Physics tt Production Cross Section dilepton : (CDF: 200 pb -1 ) (D0: 243 pb -1 ) lepton + jets : (CDF: 193 pb -1 ) (D0: 230 pb -1 ) Hadronic : (CDF: 165 pb -1 ) (D0: 162 pb -1 ) Good agreement with the Standard Model Prediction: pb
Top Physics Top Mass Constrain Higgs Mass Run II Goal : Lepton + jets (CDF: 162 pb -1 ) (D0: 229 pb -1 ) Dileptons: (CDF: 193 pb -1 ) (D0: 229 pb -1 ) CDF 2 fb -1 goal
Top Physics Single Top Production Good channel to study charged weak currents of top quark Cross section sensitive to |V tb | 2 Production sensitive to new physics q 0 q t b t W b q 0 q s-channel production t-channel production Search for these processes at the Tevatron W CDF Results (162 pb -1 ) t channel: < 10.1 CL s channel: < 13.6 CL 0.88 pb1.98 pb D0 Results (230 pb -1 ) t channel: < 5.0 CL s channel: < 6.4 CL
Electroweak Physics Why EW measurements Precise EW measurements Constrain SM and signal for new physics Crucial Inputs to LHC program
Electroweak Physics Inclusive W/Z Cross sections NNLO Prediction:
Electroweak Physics W Mass bound to SM Higgs mass Indirect Search for New Physics Fit to transverse mass distribution CDF Run II Preliminary CDF Result (200pb -1 )
Electroweak Physics WW Production Background to SM Higgs searches Probe for New Physics CDF Results (184 pb -1 ) D0 Results (252 pb-1) NLO Prediction
New Particle Searches Trilepton SUSY Search Search for associated production of chargino-neutralino ( ) SUSY particles decay to SM partners Signature: leptons, photons, top or bottom quarks LSP as missing Et signals Search in final states with missing Et and three charged leptons
New Particle Searches Large Extra Dimension Searches Randall-Sundrum (RS) Model predicts diphoton/dilepton production via graviton exchange
New Particle Searches Large Extra Dimension Searches highest mass diphoton events
New Particle Searches Monopole Searches Dirac monopole explains charge quantization GUT predicts monopole masses of GeV/c 2 Search for Dirac monopole with mass < 1 TeV/c 2, Spin ½ and no hadronic interactions Monopole accelerates along the magnetic field lines Special runs in 2003 (35.7 pb -1 ) with dedicated trigger system
QCD All production processes are QCD related Backgrounds to Top, Higgs, and New particle events Test Perturbative QCD Jet
QCD Jet Physics Inclusive Jet Cross Section Highest dijet mass so far Mass 1.3 TeV (CDF) E T = 666 GeV h = 0.43 E T = 633 GeV h = -0.19
QCD Inclusive Jet Production Stringent Test on Peturbative QCD High Pt tails sensitive to New Physics Good agreement to theory
QCD Underlying Events Initial and final state soft gluon radiation Beam-beam remnants Multiple parton interactions μ Jet Cross Section Investigate the process X → bb Muon-riched heavy flavor jets Compared with NLO and Pythia
B Physics B s → μμ Decays Branching ratio sensitive to new physics (muon g-2, neutrino oscillation, dark matter/energy,and etc) Standard Model predicts Br(Bs → μμ) = 3.8 X CDF (364pb -1 ) Br(Bs → CL Br(Bd → CL D0 (300pb-1) Br(Bs → CL
B Physics 2-Body Charmless B Decays First evidence of CP violation in Bd K+ - at B Factories Several decays to eliminate unknown hadronic factors Bd + -, Bs K+K-, Bs K- +,.. at CDF unbinned Max-Likelihood fit on mass+ kin.+dE/dx
B Physics 2-Body Charmless B Decays b sss decays in Bs mesons Extract information on and Direct CP violation small test SM BR(B s ) = (1.4 stat. ± 0.2 syst. ± 0.5 BR )x10 -5 A CP (B K ) = ± 0.17 stat. syst B s First Observation
B Physics Bc Mesons B c J/ full exclusive decays B c J/ lν Inclusive Decays Bc mass validates theoretical models More statistics (lattice QCD and Potential Models) Production and Lifetime M(B c )=(6287.0±4.8 stat ±1.1 syst )MeV/c 2 τ(B c )=(0.448±0.123 stat ±0.121 syst )ps 210 pb -1
Exotic Hadrons X(3872) Belle discovered a new state X(3872) → J/Ψπ+π- in B decays CDF and D0 observed the same state in prompt and B decays Dipion mass spectra sensitive to theoretical models (DD* Molecule, 3 D J Charmonium, and etc)
Exotic Hadrons Pentaquark Recently narrow exotic baryon states are found Θ + (1540) → pKs,nK+, Ξ 3/2 (1860) → Ξπ, θ c 0 (3099) → D* - p These baryons are interpreted as pentaquarks Θ + :uudds, Ξ 3/2 :qqssq, θ c 0 : uuddc CDF searched for pentaquarks and found no signals Θ + → pKs, Ξ 3/2 → Ξπ, θ c 0 → D* - p, X → D 0 p, D + p, J/Ψp
Higgs Search Inclusive Higgs cross section: ~ 1pb background dominated M H < 140 GeV: H bb M H > 140 GeV: H WW Associated production of H + W or Z:~0.2pb small background M H < 140 GeV: WH/ZH W/Z+bb H bbH WW Dominant decay mode
Higgs Search Associated Higgs Production
Higgs Search Statistical power only Systematics not included
Conclusion Run II physics program began to produce interesting results Both Tevatron and CDF/D0 detectors perform well From <400 pb -1 data (5%), 32 papers have been published With 8 fb -1 data, physics reach will be extend more than 80 times compared to Run 1 With 8 fb -1, Higgs sensitivity up to 130 GeV(3 ) Tevatron experiment will fully investigate new physics in pre-LHC era