Virtual experiments for teaching and training Kim Lefmann MCNSI, ILL, 26/5-05
New university neutron course University of Copenhagen, 4 th year physics 10 hours per week, 8 weeks Lecturers: Kim Lefmann, Peter Willendrup, Bente Lebech, Kell Mortensen 4 reports, no exam Theory (Squires) and simple calculation problems Data analysis (Fullprof, Mfit, “SANS”) Instrument simulations (DMC, “RITA-2”, SANS-2) Plus 6 full days experiments at PSI (same instruments)
Course plan 1: Intro (neutrons + McStas), materials, Squires ch : Scattering theory, (powder) diffraction, FULLPROF, DMC Project (crystal structure), Squires ch. 2-3 (elastic) 4-5: Inelastic scattering, phonons, MFIT, RITA-2 project (phonons), Squires ch. 2-3 (inelastic) 6-7: SANS, “SANS-software”, SANS-2 project, Notes 8: Magnetic scattering, Squires ch. 7-8 “9”: PSI experiments, comparing with simulations
Project 1, DMC PSI cold source Straight guide Flat monochromator Collimator Powder sample Banana detector (+ diagnostic monitors) Data analysis
Project 2, RITA-2 PSI cold source Straight guide Curved monochromator Collimator Vanadium / phonon sample Single analyzer blade Single detector (+ diagnostic monitors) Data analysis in MFIT
Project 3, SANS-2 PSI cold source Straight guide Velocity selector Pinhole collimation SANS sample + program own sample PSD detector (+ diagnostic monitors) Data analysis in “SANS software”
Conclusion Students seem to like the approach Good “hands-on” experience to instrumentation Good test of the user interface! Helps us focus to get virtual experiments tested!