What is Science?
Vocabulary from this Section Science Technology Chemistry Physics Geology Astronomy Biology
Science from Curiosity Science is a system of knowledge and methods used to find new knowledge. Begins with curiosity and ends in discovery.
Science and Technology Technology is the use of knowledge to solve practical problems. The two of them are independent, advancing one often advances the other.
Branches of Science Generally divided into three sections: Physical Science Earth Science Life Science
Branches of Science Chemistry: the study of the composition, structure, property and reactions of matter Physics: the study of matter and energy and the interactions between the two through forces and motion. Biology: The study of living things.
Other Branches of Science Geology: Geology: The foundation of Earth Science. The study of the origin, history, and structure of Earth. Astronomy: The foundation of space science. Studies things outside of the earth.
What Good Scientists Do Good Scientists Question As scientists observe they begin to question why certain events occur.As scientists observe they begin to question why certain events occur. Such questions are the foundation for experimentation.Such questions are the foundation for experimentation.
What Good Scientists Do Good Scientists Hypothesize When a scientist hypothesizes, he or she identifies a possible explanation for an occurrence.When a scientist hypothesizes, he or she identifies a possible explanation for an occurrence. A hypothesis is usually worded in the “If…then” statement.A hypothesis is usually worded in the “If…then” statement.
What Good Scientists Do Good Scientists Experiment Experimenting allows a scientist to test the accuracy of a hypothesis.Experimenting allows a scientist to test the accuracy of a hypothesis. Most experiments involve a control group and an experimental group.Most experiments involve a control group and an experimental group. The control group receives no special treatment while the experimental group receives the special treatment so the effects of various conditions can be tested.
What Good Scientists Do Good Scientists Record, Organize, and Analyze Data They take the information they have gathered during an experiment, record it in an organized way that allows them to analyze their results.They take the information they have gathered during an experiment, record it in an organized way that allows them to analyze their results. Often the data is recorded in tables or charts. These formats make it easier to compare data.
What Good Scientists Do Good Scientists Make Conclusions Make conclusions based on observations and the data they have collected.Make conclusions based on observations and the data they have collected. This conclusion will either prove or disprove their hypothesis.This conclusion will either prove or disprove their hypothesis.
What Good Scientists Do Good Scientists Observe When a person observes something, he or she gathers information by using his or her senses.When a person observes something, he or she gathers information by using his or her senses. Scientists pay careful attention to what goes on in their environment.Scientists pay careful attention to what goes on in their environment.
What Good Scientists Do Good Scientists Classify Classification is the organization of information into categories.Classification is the organization of information into categories.
What Good Scientists Do Good Scientists Compare Comparing means examining in order to identify similarities and differences.Comparing means examining in order to identify similarities and differences.
What Good Scientists Do Good Scientists Measure Measurements are recorded as a number followed by a specific unit.Measurements are recorded as a number followed by a specific unit.
What Good Scientists Do Good Scientists Predict When a scientist predicts, he or she guesses what might happen.When a scientist predicts, he or she guesses what might happen.
What Good Scientists Do Good Scientists Infer When a scientist infers, he or she makes a logical deduction based on prior knowledge.When a scientist infers, he or she makes a logical deduction based on prior knowledge. For example: If you look out the window and see it is cloudy you may decide to bring an umbrella with you.For example: If you look out the window and see it is cloudy you may decide to bring an umbrella with you. Thus you inferred that it could rain.
What Good Scientists Do Good Scientists Communicate Scientists often exchange and share information they have collected.Scientists often exchange and share information they have collected. This enables them to learn from one another.This enables them to learn from one another.
What Good Scientists Do Good Scientists Estimate An estimate is approximate calculation based on what is known.An estimate is approximate calculation based on what is known.
What Good Scientists Do Good Scientists Practice Safety Skills Safety always comes firstSafety always comes first
What Good Scientists Do Good Scientists Make Models Scientists make a variety of models to create objects that can’t be seen with the naked eye.Scientists make a variety of models to create objects that can’t be seen with the naked eye.
Sources Schurk, Rebecca. What Good Scientists Do Teacher’s Guide. McDonald Publishing Co sical%20Science%20Files/Chapter% 20One%20Notes.pdf sical%20Science%20Files/Chapter% 20One%20Notes.pdf sical%20Science%20Files/Chapter% 20One%20Notes.pdf