Instructor: Dr. Shahzad A. Mufti Advisor Department of Biosciences Medical Implications of Developmental Biology
February 21, Fertility Genetic defects Teratogenesis Cancers Therapies (Stem cell, Cloning, Genetic engineering etc.)
Medical Implications of Developmental Biology February 21, INFERTILITY: inability to achieve or sustain pregnancy. Not a disease. 80% by 1.5 years, beyond 2 years. Failure of ovulation, physical blockage, sperm defects.
Medical Implications of Developmental Biology February 21, IVF: assisted reproductive technology (ART). 4 steps: I). ovarian stimulation (gonadotropins or anti-estrogens used) →several mature (metaphase II) eggs retrieval, aspiration.III). Fertilization, sperm collection and “washing”.IV). Embryo transfer. By catheter, sometimes assisted ”hatching”.
Medical Implications of Developmental Biology February 21, Also intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), Gamete intra Fallopian Transfer (GIFT)& Zygote intra Fallopian Transfer (ZIFT) Chances of multiple births---which could be problematic. Ethical (Legal) issues: I). Affordability II). Entitlement III). is it really a “need” or social issue. IV). “Extra” embryos. v) Health problems. VI). Government control. Sperm selection & sex selection
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