1 StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt NORWEGIAN BALANCE OF PAYMENTS STATISTICS Division for national accounts 28 persons Majority economists
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt Introduction to BOP/IIP in Norway Short history –Statistics on external trade in goods and shipping freight income back to 19th century –Statistics on stocks of foreign assets and liabilities from 1919 (annually from 1924) –Balance of Payments statistics from 1940’s –Adoption of the IMF BPM5 in 1995 –Monthly publishing untill 2004
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt Institutional environment Compilation and publishing of BoP have been the responsebility of Statistics Norway since the very beginning The Central Bank has untill 2004 supplied monthly Foreign Exchange data as a main source of information for the BoP –based on bank accounts settlements data Statistics Norway responsible for the other main source data –Monthly Foreign Trade in Goods statistics based on customs declarations supplied electronically by the Customs Directorate –Annual Shipping transport statistics
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt Integration with National Accounts Main argument for giving Statistics Norway responsebility for BoP has been the need to fully integrate BoP with National Accounts From the beginning BoP has been presented with the same figures as the National Accounts rest of the World Account Today the same IT production applications used for BoP statistics and National Accounts statistics
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt The New BoP/IIP data collection system Background In 1989 the last remnants of foreign currency exchange control system was abolished In 2001 it was deceided that the Central Bank will stop producing the monthly Foreign Exchange statistics. Statistics Norway was awarded the task to build a new data collection system for BoP and the rest of the world Account of the National Accounts In 2005 the very last supply of data from the Central Bank and the start of the newly constructed data collection system
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt Premesis or conditions for the new data collection system Data to be collected directly from economic agents instead of indirectly via bank accounts (banking settlements data) Priority given to user needs –fully integration with National Accounts –international reporting –other user needs Minimising respons burden –sample surveys –electronic reporting Cost-effective collection
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt Sources
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt The UT project Project for new data collection (UT project) launched in Organised as an inter-departemental project within Statistics Norway – 5 departements initially involved Different departements responsible for –Non-financial enterprises Shipping transport services Other services exported and imported Financial balances and transactions –Financial enterprises –Housholds and general government transactions with abroad Total budget: 24 man-years
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt Infrastructure BoP register –starting point: the former BoP register of the Central Bank and register of foreign assets and liabilities of Statistics Norway – supplemented with information from: External Trade in goods register newly established register on cross-border payments (no or little detailed information given) newly established register on stock-shareholders (foreign board members) media BoP data base –all survey based information from non-financial enterprises collecetd in a joint database trade in services income financial balances and transactions Electronic reporting –web formular –excell spread sheet –data extracted directly from enterprise data systems
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt Trade in services Quarterly and annual sample survey, split between –shipping transport services –other services from non-financial industries Sample size services survey non-financial sector –600 quarterly –3 800 annually Classification –Classification of Products by Avctivity (CPA) – 70 items (an European variant of the UN CPC classification) Travel surveys –residents expenditures on travel abroad – quarterly –non-residents expenditures on travel in Norway
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt Financial accounts data Financial sector –census type data collection in cooperation with the Banking and Insurance Supervision Commsission Non-financial enterprises –quarterly and annual sample survey quarterly: sample size 600 enterprises annual: enterprises –based on the official accounts of the reporting enterprises General Government –census type data collection –information taken directly from government accounts prepared by Statistics Norway
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt The BoP/IIP compilation system Current account: –quarterly sample survey data so far used as an indicator in developing former levels of exports and imports –sample survey data not yet grossed up Financial accounts: –to a large extent stocks of foreign assets and liabilities are collected –data on revaluation partly collected (write-offs etc) and partly estimated (foreign exchange rates effects) –financial transactions to a large extent estimated by adjusting total change in International Investments Positions with revalutations at a detailed instrument level
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt The BoP/IIP compilation system continued BoP data on trade in services fully integrated with National Accounts Supply and Use table –assessment of exports and imports in relation to domestic production and uses –decomposition of change in value of exports and imports of services into changes in prices and changes in volume BoP data on International Investments Positions and financial transactions integrated with National Accounts data on Financial Accounts for all sectors Balance of Payments and IIP are drawn from same database Also statistics on Direct Investments and Foreign Affiliates Trade Statisics (FATS) to be coordinated with BoP
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt Main experiences with the new data collection system so far Initially heavy burden on both reporters and Statisics Norway –much effort into talking and explaining to companies/reporters But, quality of data improving –reporters (and we) are learning High response rates The population (BoP-register) a challenge –Necessary to combine information from various registers and sources
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt Main BoP experiences Quarterly publishing sufficient for user needs More costly to serve international organisations with requested details –type of services –geographical (country) allocation Break in time series when changing collection system –totals (exports) –structure (type of services/income) –quarterly pattern
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt B o P (and Nat Acc) - Data flow - services TIS- base Non-financial enterprises External trade in goods Financial enterprises Exports –travel (Fame) Other input Imports – travel Banking services Insurance services Oil- and gas services Public services lje Calculations and coding Input files (SAS) B o P (Oracle) Publishing (Fame) Nat Acc (Troll/ Fame)
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt Publishing and reporting programme Quarterly publishing q+9/10 weeks Final annual publishing t+23 months Coordinated with publishing of quarterly and annual National Accounts Seaparate press release on – –Stat.bank = user friendly data bank –External economy theme page No parties access to data before general release International reporting to –EU statistical office (EUROSTAT) in Luxembourg –OECD –IMF –BIS (Bank of International Settlements)
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt Analytical use of BoP/IIP Statistics Norway –National Accounts departement integration of BoP with National Accounts strengthen quality of both statistics analusis of rates of return on Norwegian inevstements abroad and foreign investments in Norway –Research departement quarterly Economic trends (business cycle analysis) BoP data and National Accounts data important input of short- and medium term economic forecast models of Statistics Norway
StatNorway BoP Ukrain okt Analytical use of BoP/IIP continued Departement of Finance –annual National Budgeting documents –analysis of external sector of high importance and given high priroity due to openess of Norwegian economy Norges Bank (Central Bank of Norway) –BoP/IIP data in money supply analysis –part of the bank’s general monetary policy analysis