Dirk Nölle 17-Sep-09 XFEL Diagnostic Meeting (#1).


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Presentation transcript:

Dirk Nölle 17-Sep-09 XFEL Diagnostic Meeting (#1)

XFEL Diagnostic Meeting 2 DESY, Sept 09 Dirk Nölle, DESY Purpose of the Meeting Forum to discuss on a regular Basis (biweekly) The Meeting is open to MDI Keep everyone Up-to-Date Become a team Get Information from the Project, the Work Package Report on Status, Problems, Solutions Prepare Things for Collaborations Find out Needs for Special Meetings

XFEL Diagnostic Meeting 3 DESY, Sept 09 Dirk Nölle, DESY Todays Meeting Our Projects  What are our current Projects?  Who is doing what?  BPM  Beam Size  Beam Loss  Charge .... Hot Topic: Next Week -> Visit of the IHEP Collegues

XFEL Diagnostic Meeting 4 DESY, Sept 09 Dirk Nölle, DESY Projects and Teams (Snapshot) BPMs  We are in charge of the BPM mechanics  Buttons, Cavities, Cold BPM  D. Nölle (Coordination, stupid questions)  D. Lipka (Simulation, Coordination)  S. Vilcins (Coordination, Mechanics)  M. Siemens (Mechanics)  W. Kleen (Mechanics) Beam Size  H.C. Schröder, V. Gharibyan (Physics, Optics, Coordination)  C. Wiebers (OTR mechanics, Optics)  A. Brenger (Wire Scanner Mechanics)  I. Krouptchenkov (Wire Scanner Electronics)  H.P. Gausepohl (Mechanics)  M. Werner, S. Vilcins („Consultants“) Beam Loss  S. Nehls (Physics, Coordination)  I. Krouptchenkov (Electronics and System Integration)  FE (Electronics Development)  MPS Aspects to be discussed Charge/Toroid Protection  R. Neumann, K. Knaack (Electronics)  S. Vilcins (Mechanics) More to come

XFEL Diagnostic Meeting 5 DESY, Sept 09 Dirk Nölle, DESY Visit of IHEP (OTR, Wirescanner, BLM) Dates and Meetings  Stay from th of September  Status TCA (without IHEP) Mo, 10:30  Tuesday Time open, Meeting with FE on Standards and Production Issues for Electronics  Wednesday, from 10:30, General Meeting with the russ. Colleges  Thursday 15:00: Meeting of IHEP and MVC on Vacuum Aspects

XFEL Diagnostic Meeting 6 DESY, Sept 09 Dirk Nölle, DESY What should we prepare? Very Rough time Line (D. Nölle) OTR Station  some Report on our Prototype (D. Nölle)  Set of Drawings (C. Wiebers) Wire Scanner  Status (D. Nölle)  Idea and Block Diagram (I. Krouptchenov) Beam Loss Monitor  Status (D. Nölle)  Idea and Block Diagramm (I. Krouptchenov)

XFEL Diagnostic Meeting 7 DESY, Sept 09 Dirk Nölle, DESY Questions by the Russian Collegues (E. Merker) During this time we should like to discus the following questions. 1. To install personal contacts between the designers in DESY and the persons who will supervise the manufacture in IHEP. 2. Detailed discuss the general situation with the development and manufacture of the prototypes, results to their bench and beam testing. 3. The possibility to receive the available technical documentation, let it is yet not final, but that we could begin to discuss with our experts the preparation of their manufacture. 4. Study the situation with the introducing and using in DESY of the АТСА standard and opportunity of some collaboration in electronics modules manufacture for XFEL diagnostics devices. 5. Discussion of the volume and methodic of bench testing of devices during their manufacturing and after it on the final stage. 6. Dividing of the responsibility in the questions of controlling and timing, collection, accumulation and processing of the measurement data. 7. Define the list of materials, pieces and components, which should be obligatorily bought on European firms. 8. Preliminarily discuss how, when and who will establish contacts with the European firms. I understand, that the list of questions is enough large and not so simple and may be it will be not possible immediately everything solve, but it is necessary to plan the time and ways of them solving.

XFEL Diagnostic Meeting 8 DESY, Sept 09 Dirk Nölle, DESY Task to be done Netzpläne für die einzelnen Projekte Rollendefinitionen Software, wer macht was, Diskussion mit den Kontrollleuten, Zuständigkeiten  Software/Firmware  Spezifikation/Codierung Übersichtsbild XFEL Lattice, Streckenlängen verteilen