Archimedes By:JaSean Fann
Inventions Archimedes is mostly known as Archimedes Principle. Archimedes built inventions such as pulleys, levers for giant ships and many others. These were wartime inventions. Archimedes performed many countless experiments. Most of his experiments were made with screws called Archimedean screw.
Biography Archimedes was born in 287 Syracuse in Sicily, then a Greek colony. His father’s name was Phidias. He studied with Euclid in Alexandria. He also built many wartime inventions. He was honored as the father of experimental science. Archimedes was killed by a roman soldier. He had an ingenious device for raiding water. In his native city, Syracuse, he was known as a genius at devising siege and counter siege weapons. His main interest were, optics, mechanics, pure mathematics, and astronomy.