Lesson 7 In today’s lesson we will: Discuss the advantages of living in a diverse society Promote diversity and stamp out prejudice in society
2 How: Group activies for a given topic Discuss how we can stamp out prejudice
3 The Groups Group 1Old People Group 2Disability Group 3Gender Group 4Teenagers Group 5Racism Group 6Faith
4 Creative Task You must present information about your given topic to the rest of the group. Ideas include: –Artwork –A poem –A song/rap –A role play –A presentation –A story
5 Information For the task you should use the given information, along with your own knowledge and understanding to explain: –What is the form of prejudice you are talking about? –What are the common opinions of people? –Why do people feel this way? –How does this make the person feel? –What would you do to change this? –How can we stamp out prejudice in society?
6 Stamping Out Prejudice DON'T pre-judge people. Get to know them as individuals before you decide whether or not you like them. TREAT people the way you want them to treat you. STAND UP for people who are being treated with prejudice. Don't go along with the crowd when people are being unfair to someone. LEARN about other cultures, countries, and peoples.
7 Summary of the Unit We have looked at: –How we all have many similarities and differences –That diversity within a community is a good thing –What we mean by prejudice and how prejudice opinions are reinforced –Common misconceptions about people and the feelings of those concerned –How we can stamp out prejudice in society