o Acute and mental health trust in England data quality results published in Health and Social Care Information Centre report: o Available on HSCIC here or eWINHSCICeWIN o Woven report ex-employees validation limited to leavers since 1 st July 2012 o Woven report GMC/GDC registration validation been corrected. Scores might have changed but are now correct o Emphasis on putting in place strong data collection & validation processes remains
NW retained first place Dec-11 to Oct-12 Error count reduced by 495 (3.0%) errors Sep-Oct Error count reduced by 26,548 (64.5%) errors Oct11-Oct12
Dest. on leaving date stamp from 1 st July 2012 Slowed rate of increase for ex-employee validations from Sep-Oct12 Valuable opportunity to put correct processes in place to keep errors low Occupation code against grade errors have increased
Ten North West trusts with highest error counts in October 2012 Difference in error count and error count change demonstrate decrease or increase from last month
Each organisation starts with a perfect score (10,000) and loses a proportional amount of that score for each problem detected by the validation process Each validation is scored individually and is equally weighted The overall score is derived from the sum of the scores for the indiviual validations and is scaled out of 10,000
Each organisation starts with a perfect score (10,000) and loses a proportional amount of that score for each problem detected by the validation process Each validation is scored individually and is equally weighted The overall score is derived from the sum of the scores for the indiviual validations and is scaled out of 10,000
One organisation in the North West in October 2012 had maximum scores of 10,000 Halton And St Helens PCT For full ranking please access eWIN’s data quality reports here: table
QIPP Dashboard
Navigate to the Woven Data Quality Reporting “speed-o-meter” and select graph
4 data reports are available and a data guidance page All reports can be exported to PDF Demo WebExes can be set up on request
Liz Thomas Senior Programme Manager, Workforce Strategy