Waves Wave - rhythmic disturbance that carries energy through matter or space. ex: water, sound, rope, springs, electromagnetic wave pulse - single disturbance, or bump, that travels through a medium Medium DOES NOT move with wave, wave passes THROUGH A. Parts of a Wave wavelength = crest trough
Waves B. Types of waves 1. transverse wave - a wave pulse that vibrates perpendicular to the direction of wave motion ex: water, rope, earthquakes S-waves
Waves B. Types of waves 2. longitudinal/compressional wave - a wave pulse that vibrates parallel to the direction of wave motion. ex. sound, usually fluids/gases, earthquakes P-waves
Waves C. Wave calculations 1. frequency - (f) number of complete oscillations a wave completes each second frequency = 1 = cycles = 1 hertz = 1 Hz time second 2. period – (T) the shortest time it takes a point on a wave to return to its original point - in one period, a wave moves one wavelength period = 1 = time = 1 = 1 second frequency 1 1 hertz 3. Speed of a wave = wavelength x frequency v = f = meter x 1 second
D. Wave Behavior 1. Reflection – tendency of a wave to “bounce off” or turn back when it reaches the boundary of an object Law of Reflection The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
Waves D. Wave Behavior 2. Refraction – tendency of a wave to bend when going from one medium to another due to change in wave speed.
Waves D. Wave Behavior 2. Law of Refraction (Snell’s Law) – index of refraction (n) is equal to the speed of light in a vacuum divided by the speed of light in medium. n = c v
Waves D. Wave Behavior 3. Diffraction- tendency of a wave to bend around an object or through an opening.
Waves D. Wave Behavior Principle of Superposition Waves can combine to form a new wave. Algebraic sum of displacements of individual waves. Constructive interference When waves displace in the same direction A larger pulse is created with an ANTINODE. Destructive interference When waves meet and the displacement = 0 A NODE is formed where displacement is zero. Important in music - tuning, echo
Waves D. Wave Behavior Standing wave – when two waves of the same frequency, wavelength, and amplitude interfere, they form a new wave which appears to be “standing” still, or not moving.
Waves D. Wave Behavior - Standing Waves on a String Harmonic –a standing wave pattern created by varying the wave frequency of vibration on a string. Integral variations of the fundemental frequency.
Waves D. Wave Behavior - Standing Waves on a String Harmonic –a standing wave pattern created by varying the wave frequency of vibration on a string. Integral variations of the fundamental frequency.