ECE 4007 L3 LEVITATING LED LIGHT10/20/ Levitating LED Light ECE 4007 Senior Design Project Fall 2010 October 21, 2010 Andy Givens Inga Shvartsman Tres Kimball Shruti Batra Chris Melton
ECE 4007 L3 LEVITATING LED LIGHT10/20/2010 Glowing orb magnetically levitating in air Floats 2-6 inches below control box Ability to move up and down to input music signal 2 structures- Control Box and the Glowing Orb Power in the Control Box wirelessly transferred to receiving coil located in orb. Orb consists of a rare earth magnet, 6 LEDs. L3L3
ECE 4007 L3 LEVITATING LED LIGHT10/20/ Primarily, night club industry that feature house and trance music. Other applications as teaching tools, illuminating study tables Priced at $120 Could increase profits of night clubs by increasing volume of people Competes with products in the industry such as the levitating globe but these products do not move up and down. Motivation
ECE 4007 L3 LEVITATING LED LIGHT10/20/ Technical Objectives Levitate orb 2 to 3 inches below electromagnet Wireless transfer power to 4 to 6 LEDs on the orb Make orb bounce to the beat of music
ECE 4007 L3 LEVITATING LED LIGHT10/20/ Antenna Design Linking the coils requires tuning the circuit Circuit tuning accomplished through Impedance matching, f=1/root(LC) More turns creates more B- Field, but also provided more resistance, and weight.
ECE 4007 L3 LEVITATING LED LIGHT10/20/ Coil Design Wire size affects amount of turns, weight, and resistance. Time consuming process to wrap coils The core adds direction to the flux helping to increase levitation distance Smaller wire allows more turns, but increases heat generation
ECE 4007 L3 LEVITATING LED LIGHT10/20/ Levitation Circuit B-Field falls off with 1/r^3, requiring a large current and thus more heat dissipation Weight of the magnet is not negligible for levitation distance calculations Analog Hall-Effect sensors were difficult to procure
ECE 4007 L3 LEVITATING LED LIGHT10/20/ Control Circuit Diagram
ECE 4007 L3 LEVITATING LED LIGHT10/20/ Challenges Obtaining an iron core Limited analog Hall Effect sensor availability and selection Weight of the orb Power transmission through lossy media
ECE 4007 L3 LEVITATING LED LIGHT10/20/ Testing Antenna design accepted upon receiver output of 3.4V and 0.5A Levitation circuit design accepted once 2-3 inch levitation maintained without user assistance Bouncing function accepted once vertical displacement is noticeable and recoverable
ECE 4007 L3 LEVITATING LED LIGHT10/20/ Completed Tasks and Milestones Schedule Calculations – Completed 09/26/2010 Power Requirements and Design Targets LED Illumination – Completed 10/10/2010 Wireless Power Transfer and LED Illumination Optimization Levitation – Due to Completed by 11/07/2010 Vertical Oscillation – Due to Completed by 11/22/2010 Feedback Controls Sinusoidal Filtering Orb Momentum and Balancing
ECE 4007 L3 LEVITATING LED LIGHT10/20/ Cost of Materials and Labor Individual Materials: Total Cost: $93 Initial Labor: Time: 876 Hours Total Cost: $36,792 Total Cost: $36,885 (for initial prototype) Bulk Materials: Total Cost: $21 Continuous Labor: Tine: 0.5 Hours Total Cost: $12 Total Cost: $33 (per device)