Russia and Central Asia
Physical Characteristics Russia and Central Asia covers a vast land area including two continents ( Europe and Asia) and 11 time zones.
Physical Characteristics PERMAFROST- Soil that remains permanently frozen throughout the year
Physical Characteristics Black Earth Belt- Area of the earth that has rich black soil (Chernozem)
Physical features Europe and Asia are divided by the URAL MOUNTAINS
Siberia “The sleeping land” Siberia is the largest region of Russia. It extends from the Ural Mountains in the West to the Pacific Ocean in the East.
Russia and Central Asia have diverse climates and vegetation
Some rivers flow North to the Arctic Ocean
Major resources of Central Asia & Russia Oil Natural Gas Mineral Resources
Physical Characteristics of Russia and Central Asia Quiz You are going to come up with a 7 question multiple choice quiz using the information presented from the PowerPoint today. After you create the 7 question quiz you will bring it to Mr. Hitch for approval. Include a copy of the answer key on a separate sheet of paper. If time permits, you will take classmate’s quiz today.