Winning the War
Total War The channeling of a nation’s entire resources into the war effort
Economies Committed to War Production Universal Conscription: “The Draft” all young men need to be ready for military service Governments raise taxes and borrow money Forbade labor strikes Rationing of food, gasoline, etc.
Total War
Economic Warfare Britain’s naval blockade of North Sea Keep ships from carrying supplies in and out of Germany confiscate contraband (military supplies or raw materials) ----could not take food and clothing British blockade stopped both typed of goods German winters of 1916 & 1917 called the “turnip winter”
Why was control over the Adriatic, Mediterranean, and North Seas significant during WWI?
German’s use U-boats to create their own blockade 1915-Germans declare they will sink all ships carrying goods to Britain
Allied Ships Sank by U-Boats
The Lusitania May, German sub torpedoed British liner off the coast of Ireland 1,200 passengers killed 128 Americans Germans argued the Lusitania was carrying weapons Americans threat to cut of diplomatic relations with Germany (Woodrow Wilson) Germans will now surface before attacking ships--allowing civilians to escape
Propaganda War
German Poster “Think of your children”
What is Propaganda? The spreading of ideas to promote a cause or damage an opposing cause. Often uses distorted facts or exaggerations to sway public opinion.
Women Join the War Effort
French Women Factory Workers
German Women
Woman Ambulance Driver
Red Cross Nurses
Russian Women Soldiers
African Americans
Morale Collapses Germany is sending 15 year-olds to the front Britain is nearly bankrupt
War Fatigue Massive desertions Russian soldiers leave the front to fight a revolution at home Russia is hit hard by the war –Incompetent generals & corruption –Allies hope Russia will become a democratic government
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 1918-Lenin signs treaty ending Russian participation in WWI Germany could now concentrate its efforts on the Western Front This could be a great breakthrough for the Central Powers
The United States Declares War Many Americans support the Allies b/c: –Cultural ties –Democracy (France) Some German/Americans supported the Central Powers Irish immigrants (anti-British) & Russian Jews (anti-Tsar)
February 1, 1917 Germans announce they will resume unrestricted submarine warfare Wilson denounced Germany
Zimmermann Telegram British intercept a message from German Foreign Minister, Arthur Zimmermann to his ambassador in Mexico Proposed that Germany would help reconquer NM, TX, AZ. In turn for Mexican support against the US USA ---Crazy anti-German
Declaring War Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany “To make the world safe for democracy” “The war to end all war”
What was the effect of the entry of the US into WWI? 1918 US troops join the Allies on the Western Front US also has $$$ Increase in troops and supplies to the Allies
The Fourteen Points Wilson failed to maintain American neutrality But still hoped to be a peacemaker January, 1918 he issues the Fourteen Points
Victory At Last Germans mount their last offensive before the Americans arrive –Push Allies back 40 miles Allies push Germans back September, German generals state that the war cannot be won German citizen uprisings urge William II to step down
Austria-Hungary is also unstable The empire is splintered
The Armistice German government sought an armistice w/ the allies 11am on November 11, 1918 the war came to an end