Revolutionary War
American Strategy To Win the War for Independence Americans disadvantages: – No navy, – No professional army, – Few supplies – Very little money They did have: – Short supply lines – Strong fighting spirit.
British Military Strategies in the Revolutionary War? The British advantages: – Large navy – Professional army – Many factories to produce supplies for the war British disadvantages: – Long supply lines, must bring materials from Canada and Europe – No alliances – Had to fight their own people.
Lexington and Concord (1775) – The first battles of the war – British soldiers ordered to arrest Patriots John Hancock and Samuel Adams – Although the British shoot first the colonists win the battle – Today this is recognized as the “shot heard round the world” and the start to the Revolutionary War – war
Preparations for war The British and the Americans spend the fall of 1775 and early 1776 preparing for war British Commanders 1. Offer freedom to slaves to fight against the colonists 2. Stock up on supplies Colonists – Encourage fellow colonists to support independence (ex: Thomas Paine, author of Common Sense) – Appoint George Washington head of army
New York City (May 1776) British attack by sea New York City has strong Loyalist sentiments Washington loses almost all of his men and escapes in the middle of the night Gives the British advantage
Winter 1776 Patriot morale is low after several losses. New York and Boston occupied by British Washington plans a surprise attack on the British camp in Trenton for Christmas Day – Patriots win – Changes the troops’ attitude
Saratoga (September 1777) British commanders divide their forces between Hudson Valley and Philadelphia Colonists attack from two sides, very aggressive Effects: – French officially recognize United States as an official country – Joins the war against the British
Valley Forge (winter 1777) Washington sets up camp outside Philadelphia for the winter Conditions are extremely poor – Soldiers lack uniforms, coats, shoes Improvements begin in February – Prussian military commander arrives to help Washington train the men – New funding ($$$) from Congress – New supplies
Yorktown (October 1781) British building a fort on Chesapeake Bay French send ships from Caribbean Washington moves troops from New York and traps British from both sides 7,000 British troops are captured Effects: – Washington and Cornwallis negotiate surrender – Last major battle of the Revolutionary War
Treaty of Paris (1783) Peace is negotiated between Americans, French, Spanish, and British in separate treaties Terms – USA is free from Britain – USA will not confiscate property from Loyalists – Britain will continue to have access to Mississippi River