Deviance © Robert J. Atkins, Ph.D. 1
What causes deviance? Biological Psychological Sociological 3
What are the biological explanations? A real but small effect in causing crime. Caesar Lombroso Genetically destined to become criminals Atavistic = Throwback in evolution XYY Chromosome theory 4
What is the “medicalization of deviance”? Treating deviant behavior by medical means Depo-provera for rape Methadone for heroin Redefining Theft as “compulsive disorder” Drinking as “alcoholism” Promiscuity as a “sexual addiction” 5
What are the psychological explanations? Personality patterns Individual traits Majority of crimes are committed by people with normal personalities 6
Do you remember? What are the biological explanations of crime? What is the medicalization of crime? What are the psychological explanations of crime? Are most criminals mentally ill? 7
What are the sociological explanations?(Overview) Strain theory Differential association Differential opportunity Labeling theory 8
What is the strain theory? Robert Merton Conformist Innovator (Al Capone) Ritualist Retreatist Rebellion 9
What is the differential association explanation? Edwin H. Sutherland Crime is learned in association with others Deviance is linked to the amount of contact a person has with others who encourage or discourage that behavior. 10
What is the differential opportunity explanation? Cloward & Ohlin Reflects both limited legitimate and accessible illegitimate opportunities Reduce crime by reducing criminal (illegitimate) opportunity 11
What is the labeling theory explanation? Deviance and conformity result not only from what people do, but how others respond to those actions. Reinforcement Labeling Retrospective labeling Interpreting someone’s past as consistent with present deviance. 12
Do you remember? What is the Strain theory? What is the Differential Association theory? What is the Differential Opportunity theory? What is the labeling theory? 13
What are the types of crime? (overview) Street crime White-collar crime Victimless crime 14
What is street crime? Crimes against persons E.g. Murder Crimes against property E.g. Burglary 15
What is white-collar crime? Crimes committed by people of high social standing as part of their occupation Little reaction from others Cases heard in civil court (rather than criminal court) This is changing with the WorldCom, Enron, and ponzi scheme problems. 16
What is victimless crime? Prostitution Drugs Gambling 17
Do you remember? What is street crime? What is White-collar crime? What is victimless crime? 18
How does the judicial system operate? 19
What is plea bargaining? (Legal negotiation) Most criminal cases in the courts are resolved by plea bargaining. In exchange for a guilty plea, you get: Reduced charge Reduced sentence Concurrent sentences 20
Why does society punish offenders? Retribution The oldest reason “An eye for an eye” Deterrence The threat of punishment to discourage crime Rehabilitation Removal from society 21
Criminal recidivism Subsequent offenses by people convicted of crimes 22
Do you remember? What is plea bargaining? Why does society punish offenders? What is recidivism? 23