TOPICS AND THESES Argumentative Research Papers
Topics 1.Debatable – Are there other points of view? 2.Plausible – Are there valid reasons for it to be true? 3.Consequential – Is the outcome significant?
Debatable: Other points of view? 1.Public transportation has some advantages and disadvantages. Is this thesis debatable? 2.Holding parents responsible for crimes committed by their minor children will lead to a decrease in crime committed by juveniles. Is this thesis debatable? 3.Trafficking in children is wrong. Is this thesis debatable? 4.Eating fast food has led to serious consequences. Is this thesis debatable?
Plausible: Valid reasons for it? 1.Young people commit crimes because of influence of the media, availability of weapons, advice of their mothers. Is this thesis plausible? 2.International students studying in the United States often face language difficulties, money problem, and cultural adjustment. Is this thesis plausible? 3.Cloning leads to two major problems: confusion of the clone with the original person and ethical issues. Is this thesis plausible?
Consequential: Significant outcome? 1.Mars bars produced in the U.K. are better than those made in the U.S. Is the outcome of this thesis consequential? 2.Malcom X is a modern-day hero. Is the outcome of this thesis consequential? 3.The sale of human organs enables more people to live than a waiting list system does. Is the outcome of this thesis consequential?
Thesis Sentence Checklist Focus Place Time (when possible) The sale of human organs in Kuwait will benefit both the seller and the buyer in several ways. OR The sale of human organs in Kuwait would have benefited sellers and buyers 20 years ago.