Writing TV Commercials. 7 Steps 1. What is your aim? 2. Keep to the Time (30 secs) 3. Use repetition 4. Use a catchy slogan 5. Use visuals and sound 6.


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Presentation transcript:

Writing TV Commercials

7 Steps 1. What is your aim? 2. Keep to the Time (30 secs) 3. Use repetition 4. Use a catchy slogan 5. Use visuals and sound 6. Include a Call to Action 7. Use script conventions

1. What is the Main Aim? Who is it aimed at? Be clear, to the point, not too wordy Do you want to sell a car? Get people to buy a product? What is the one thing you want people to do after they watch the Ad, how will you get them to do it?

Examples Bill’s Car Lot TV Commercial Aims: Show people the variety of new cars on the lot (don’t forget to provide your address) Tell people about an urgent one-time promotional offer that gets them to come in (don’t forget to provide your address) Get people to look at online inventory (don’t forget to provide your web address)

Bill’s Restaurant TV Commercial Aims: Get people in to try your new menu (don’t forget to include shots of the food) Make people feel comfortable dining in with their children (don’t forget shots of families) Get people to RSVP for your Halloween Bash (don’t forget to provide a phone number or web address)

2. Keep to the time 30 seconds Every second counts $$$$ Short, straight to the point

3. Use Repetition Repetition helps people remember, If you want people to do something (call, visit, make a reservation), make sure to repeat your call-to-action at least twice. make sure you repeat the address/website a couple times Haggle

4. Use Catchy Slogans You know you’re worth it…Keeps you feeling and looking young… How could you be without a … ? You’re never too old / young for a … An eye-pleasing item Enjoy the amazing beauty of … Make an impression with … Blends beauty with performance You can’t lose with a … Sure to attract admiring looks You’ll display yours with pride A practical choice…Spoil yourself…

Logic is used to convey details about the product’s purpose and function. Statistics and facts use of expert testimonial or celebrity endorsement use of expert testimonial or celebrity endorsement

Example- High Tech Auto A grungy mechanic opens the hood to a woman's car and is baffled by the mess of computer controlled engine parts inside. She asks "Can you fix it? He answers "It's your digital carburetor." The voice over then asked, "Is your car more sophisticated than your mechanic?" We then cut to a look at High Tech Auto, specifying what the garage did, how well it was done and where the facility was located. We finished with the shade tree mechanic hammering on the car's engine as smoke poured out while he cried, "I got it now, lady."

5.Use Visuals (VFX) What you see/read in the commercial helps promote the message and sell the product Examples: facial expressions and gestures the actors use, animation (cartoons), logos, written slogans, use of colour and light, close-ups (CU) of the product, special effects, varied camera shots (MS- medium shot, WS-wide shot), INT interior, EXT exterior

And use Sound (SFX) What you hear in the commercial that helps promote the message and sell the product. Examples: dialogue, slogan, jingle, music, testimonials, celebrity endorsements, sound effects, etcmusic

6. Include a Call to Action Be clear about what you want your viewers to do: pick up the phone, visit your website, buy your book or DVD, quit smoking, talk to someone who can help.

7. Use conventions Voiceover (VO) artists need scripts to be easily read, and so there are styles of script- writing used on the radio and TV that makes printed words easier to read and illustrate verbally.

Conventions Title "Production Note" any details actors will need to know eg. Setting, mood, use an accent, actors should be particularly tall, hairy, short, curly hair. Client, Product, Length, Date Vision Column (VFX, CU,MS,WS) Sound Column (VO, SFX, MUSIC)

Camera Shots VFX- Visual effects CU- close up MS- Medium shot WS- wide shot

Vision (VFX) Number each description in the "VIDEO" column, starting with the first video to appear on screen. Type the descriptions for video in all capital letters eg. VFX,CU, MS, WS,

Sound- (SFX) Dialogue Type accompanying audio in second column, next to appropriate video description. Type the name of the character speaking next to his text, and use a colon between the character's name and his text. Type the character's names on the left, then insert a tab or five spaces and type out the dialogue or monologue. Write the character's name and speech in sentence case. If the character has any stage directions, such as "SPEAKS SADLY," write the directions in all capitals

Sound Effects (SFX) and Music Type "SOUND" or "SFX" to describe any sound effects in the audio column. Use all capital letters when writing out sound effects Type "MUSIC" before describing any music. Use all capital letters and underline when writing out music descriptions