Assessment Submission Procedures Wayne College uses a web-based application for reporting course assessment activities. The next few slides describe the steps to input your course assessment results required for all sections at the end of each semester.
Wayne College Assessment Reporting All information is input using a web page interface which is at the following link: It may also be accessed from the Wayne College assessment links page:
Advantages of submission procedure Provides the ability to glean and maintain assessment information including changes that are the result of assessment activities. This method also provides standardization of course level objectives and the ability for them to be shared.
Steps in using the data base: 1. Choose the Fall semester 2. If not registered choose “Not registered? Sign-Up! “ (You are free to choose any login name and password but you may wish to be consistent with your UANET ID)Sign-Up! 3. Login to system 4. You may now wish to review information provided in the “Beginning of term:” options that appear on the top of the screen OR move on to the 5. End of term: [Course Assessment Report (CAR)] [Course Assessment Report (CAR)] to enter your assessment information
Steps in using the data base (continued): 6. Using the drop down menu Enter the course for which you wish to enter assessment results. 7. Enter the year – Begin entering information as you have done in previous terms but now using the web interface.
Steps in entering information: 1. Course Learning Outcome(s) Being Assessed using the check boxes 2. Describe Instructional Techniques to Achieve the Course Learning Outcomes. If appropriate, check the box ”Includes changes based on previous (specify term, year) assessment results.” 3.List Assessment Activity(ies) to Measure Student Learning (pre- post-tests, quizzes, exams, projects, assignments, self-assessment, in-class exercises) in the space provided.
Steps in entering information (continued): 4. Results/Observations (including statistical data) Please enter a response to each Learning Outcome Being assessed This is data that in most cases has been captured this term with your assessment instrument. 5. Finally, include Suggestions Based on Assessment Results/Observations again based on results obtained this term. 6. SAVE your inputs with the button located at the bottom. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your assessment information has been stored.
Final Comments on using the data base: You may now wish to perform one of the following functions: Edit Completed Course Assessment Report (CAR)] Edit Completed Course Assessment Report (CAR)] [View All Completed Course Assessment Reports (CAR)] [View All Completed Course Assessment Reports (CAR)] [View Completed Course Assessment Report (CAR) - Sorted Search] [View Completed Course Assessment Report (CAR) - Sorted Search]
If you have questions please contact Cathy Cooper (E242C) Tim Vierheller (C-131) Susi Meehan (C-134)