Title (only one sentence) MUST be and or cover: Descriptive yet interesting Important variables identified Research question/topic evident Scope specified No unnecessary words Only include a picture if it adds something to your title. Pictures can be distracting and work against your title page. Be careful and selective.
Abstract: summarize your study in THREE paragraphs Purpose stated indirectly or directly (1) Size of sample or population and type of students identified and instruments/methodology identified (1) Major results and/or conclusions stated (1) Make sure that the abstract is the appropriate length, written in complete sentences and in past tense, and single spaced
Discussion and Conclusion (centered and underlined): five-eight paragraphs In this section, you will conclude your paper by discussing your results and reflecting on the research process Summary (centered only): Summarize your overall project thus far (one paragraph) Overview of Research Findings and Methodological Insights (centered only): It is here that you discuss your results and what they mean for your field of study (two-three; one per variable (i.e. Sleep deprivation: health, academics, and athletics) Weaknesses (centered only): address weaknesses in yourselves and the field of study (one-two paragraphs) Implications (centered only): address what your study implies for future studies (one paragraph) and what recommendations you would make about your topic studied (one paragraph)
Appendices Should include: Observation and/or experiment notes Transcripts from interviews Journal entries Charts/graphs (surveys) Pictures
Appendices Tables and figures should be titled, labeled, and well organized All tables should relate to the purpose/topic Interviews, field notes or artifacts should be included and organized
This and That Title page is NOT numbered Table of contents (2 nd page after the title page and will start with page #2) Don’t forget the Works Cited Page Appropriate English usage (past tense for all sections EXCEPT introduction and literature review) Appropriate layout structure Unbiased reporting style No run-ons or fragments Proper grammar and punctuation Spelling
THE END Any questions?