Australia: Natural Land and Natural Resources BY JEFF CHANDLER!!!!!
Underwater, there are lots of easily visible red coral. Many eucalyptus trees (gum trees). 1 country and a continent and all under the equator. Full of gold and opals in the plains. Home of the dove, kangaroos, koalas, and more! facts video on teachertubevideo
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They have around 2800 species of eucalypts (gum trees), and 1000 species of acacia, which they call ‘wattle'. The Golden Wattle is Australia's floral emblem. Eucalypts make up almost 80 per cent of our forests. Acacias, melaleuca (tea tree), casuarinas (she-oaks), callitris (cypress pine), mangrove and rainforests make up the other 20 percent.Wildflowers are protected species in Australia, so don’t be tempted to pick them! plants
the link sez it all... LITTLE PENGUIN LITTLE PENGUIN <linked