Introduction –Clusters of members are working together to achieve joint goals –Clusters are receiving support by members –Each cluster has their own strategic focus according to the work done by members attending –Each cluster has unique needs –Clusters are using funds to respond to important needs of members –Members are working together to strengthen the work of other members
Children in Care Cluster Strategic Vision A group of organisations with different capacities working together for the common good in order that children may have a future where their basic needs are met, they are protected and allowed to flourish as individuals.
Children in Care Cluster Mission The Children in Care Cluster exists to strengthen its members in the provision of care and support services to vulnerable children from the greater Pietermaritzburg region living in either institutions or community based places of care in order for those children to develop into healthy adults.
Children in Care Cluster Goal 1 - Improved communication and networking amongst the members in the cluster for the greater good Goal 2 - Improved quality of care for the orphaned and vulnerable children serviced by the member organisations - To provide training in relevant issues/topics (NACCW, counselling, nutrition, ECD, crime prevention); To continue with the Child Care Worker's Forum Goal 3 - Enhanced capacity of the cluster to function effectively and provide leadership on children in care issues - Develop a plan to improve the functioning of the CIC cluster (funds, code of conduct and training needs)
CBO Cluster Strategic Vision An empowered CBO Cluster that provides informed leadership to the CINDI Network on CBO issues and continually supports the growth and development of CBO’s to enable them to effectively address the needs of vulnerable children and their families
CBO Cluster Mission We insist on transparency and access to information in our dealings with organisations. The CBO Cluster aims to effectively provide informed leadership within the CINDI network and to continually supports the strengthening of CBOs to address the needs of vulnerable children and their families.
CBO Cluster Goal 1 - Strengthened and informed leadership of the CBO Cluster - Training in leadership for the cluster committee including Executive Committee responsibilities. Improve relationships with public sector departments by creating linkages with the various tiers of government and relevant departments Goal 2 - Focussed and effective functioning of the CBO cluster in providing leadership on CBO issues - Develop a plan to ensure the effective functioning of the CBO Cluster – code of conduct for cluster, procedure for agendas, communication and information distribution and training Goal 3 - Enhanced and focussed functioning of the CBO members of the CINDI Network - Develop a plan to improve the functioning of CBOs including code of conduct for CBO’s, policy development guidelines and training.
Community Development Cluster Strategic Vision A Community Development Cluster providing informed leadership and functioning effectively as a resource for good development practice in facilitating sustainable community well-being.
Community Development Cluster Mission - The Community Development Cluster aims to facilitate the building of development practice capacity within the organisations of the CINDI Network by: –Disseminating information based on practices and experience of cluster members and the wider international community (i.e. trainings, workshops) –Promoting the concepts of community ownership, agency and sustainability –Providing a forum for discussion, reflection, idea sharing and networking.
Community Development Cluster Goal 1 - Improved development practice as the result of the dissemination of practice based information and targeted capacity - Organise learning sessions or training to address identified issues. Goal 2 - Improved development practice as a result of internal reflection on development experience and practice - Organise well facilitated internal reflection processes on development related issues; Devise a plan to capture key learning. Goal 3 - Strengthened community development cluster that provides for networking - Create the space for networking and the opportunity to meet new local practitioners
Home Based Care Cluster Strategic Vision Home based carers receiving quality training and support and reward for their efforts to provide quality holistic home based care to all housebound sick people in the communities they serve
Home Based Care Cluster Mission The CINDI Home Based Care Cluster aims to provide leadership in ensuring quality training, support, recognition, and reward for Home Based Carers who deliver quality holistic care to all housebound sick people in local communities
Home Based Care Cluster Goals for 2008 Enhanced capacity of the cluster to function effectively and provide leadership on home based care related issues. Adequate reward and recognition for the work of home based carers. Access to effective quality holistic training and supervision for home based carers to enable them to provide a high standard of care Expanded capacity to provide HBC to all who need it.
Psycho Social Support Cluster Strategic Vision Strengthen each member organisation’s quality of service by bringing a focus on PSS to integrate “ whole person” care into everyday practice of service to children and families.
Psycho Social Support Cluster Mission Remembering the value of relationships between member organisations in the cluster we commit to provide support to one another through referrals (appropriate referrals); sharing expertise; sharing available resources and; transferring expertise/ skills.
Psycho Social Support Cluster Goals 2008/ 2009 Strengthen members by providing a core set of PSS training to members Strengthen collaboration between cluster members on joint issues affecting members - Bringing expert ideas, views, skills to issues affecting membership of the cluster and the Network as a whole –Care of Carers; Youth; Volunteers Raise funds for joint collaborative projects – according to need
Challenges faced by Clusters –Boundaries and Responsibilities –Support from CNO –Clusters wish to choose their focus –Funding
Some Suggestions –Draw up guidelines stipulating what the ceiling of ‘own decision making is’ and where an issue would need higher authorization –A filing system be put in place where every Clusters Minutes, List of Members, Records of Training is kept. This should be managed by the CNO.
Some Suggestions –Re Referrals - The Information is either simply sent out to members for, if they choose to, attend to. Or the body wishing to disseminate information or requesting to do research are given a list of possibly interested members and asked to get in touch with them. In this way the onus / responsibility is placed on the ‘interested party’ to get in touch with people and the CNO is not responsible to co-ordinate a member response. –That Grants to Clusters should be administrated to the same standard as ‘individual grants’ to members.