1. Explain why the cell is a dynamic factory of life: 3 Pops
a) Molecules are continually passing through the cell membrane.
b) Molecules are being moved around inside the cell.
c) Things are being made, and things are being torn apart within the cytoplasm.
2. Discuss the variation in size and appearance in cells:
Cells may be microscopic Or
As big as an OSTRICH EGG!!
3. What is a Unicellular organism? “A creature that is only one cell in size!” Ex: and the survey says…….
4. What is a Versatile Cell? “A cell that has to carry out all life functions.”
5. List two examples of versatile cells:
6. What is a multicellular organism? “Living things that are made of millions of cells all working together: Ex:
7. What is a specialized cell? One type of cell in a multicellular organism that does only one job.
8. List two examples of specialized cells:
Blood Cells
Nerve cell
9. Are the cells of unicellular organisms specialized? NO
Why Not? Their entire body is just one cell. That one cell must do everything!
10. Explain how one type of specialized cell is dependent on other specialized cells.
One type of cell cannot do its job unless the other cells do their job.
Muscle blood Nerve
11. Explain how and why cells assume various shapes:
HOW: The plasma membrane is constructed by specific genetic insructions.
WHY: The shape is specific to the job that they have to do.
12. Describe three examples of shapes assumed by specialized cells. Explain why these shapes are necessary:
Some, like blood cells, are round so they won’t get stuck in the capillaries.
Nerve cells are branched because they conduct electricity.
Sperm cells have a flagella, or tail, so they can swim.
13. List and define in order of simplest to most complex, the 6 levels of organization found in the living world:
14. Explain how the different levels or organization show interdependence:
Groups of specialized cells form tissue. Groups of tissues work together to form organs. Organs work together to form systems
Working together, systems make up the organism. All kinds of organisms live and work together to create a community.
15.Define Cytoplasm: “Sticky fluid INSIDE the cell”
16.When was cytoplasm first discovered? 1830
17. Describe the chemical composition of cytoplasm: 70% Water 30% Nutrients
18.Describe the consistency of cytoplasm: The cytoplasm is like jello tht has not completely become solid.
19.Define Metabolism: “The sum of all the chemical changes tht occur in the cell.”
20. List four metabolic processes that occur in the cytoplasm:
Condensation Hydrolysis Photosynthesis Cell Respiration
21.What is division of labor? “Dividing the work to be done among many individuals”
22. Why is division of labor important for a cell?
23. How does the cell accomplish this division of labor?
Inside the cytoplasm of each cell, are isolated worksites called organelles.
Within each organelle, a specific type of chemical reaction is taking place.
23. What keeps the organelles as separate structures within the cytoplasm?
Each organelle is surrounded by its own plasma membrane.
24. All cells of a multicellular organism carry out cellular respiration. Why doesn’t multicellular organisms have specialized cells for this function?
Cellular respiration is where the cell breaks the food down into energy. Each cell needs energy! It cannot wait for one special cell to change food into energy and then ship it in to it.