Unit 5: Cell Evolution
GRAB A DRY ERASE BOARD Exam: Wed. December 7, 2015
1. Describe a prokaryotic cell. 2. Describe a eukaryotic cell. OBJECTIVE 1
3. Identify the cell type in the image and list two defining features.
OBJECTIVE 1 4. Identify the cell type in the image and list two defining features.
5. What are the four things that ALL CELLS have in common? OBJECTIVE 2
6. Diagram out the endosymbiotis theory for a fungi, a heterotrophic eukaryote. 7. Diagram out the endosymbiosis theory for a euglenoid, a photosynthesizing unicellular eukaryote. OBJECTIVE 3
8. List two pieces of evidence that supports the endosymbiosis theory. OBJECTIVE 4
9. How are structure and function similar? 10. Hypothesize a function for the arrowed structure on the image below. OBJECTIVE 5
11. What are the three DOMAINS of life? 12. List a cool fact about each domain. OBJECTIVE 6
13. Identify the functions of each cell part Cell wall Cell membrane Nucleus OBJECTIVE 7
14. Identify the functions of each cell part Nucleolus Ribosomes Cytoplasm OBJECTIVE 7
15. Identify the functions of each cell part Genetic material/ DNA Golgi Apparatus Endoplasmic Reticulum OBJECTIVE 7
16. Identify the functions of each cell part Lysosome Cytoskeleton Mitochondria OBJECTIVE 7
17. Identify the functions of each cell part Chloroplast Vacuole OBJECTIVE 7
18. What is cancer? 19. How is cancer involved or related to the cell cycle? OBJECTIVE 8
Start Here 19. Label A-E
20. What is the cell cycle? 21. What occurs in the First Growth Phase (G1)? 22. What occurs in the S Phase (S)? 23. What occurs in the Cell Division (Mitosis/ M) Phase? OBJECTIVE 8
24. Diagram generic cell division for prokaryotes and eukaryotes OBJECTIVE 9
25. What type of cells undergo mitosis? 26. Describe Mitosis with each phase in words or in a diagram OBJECTIVE 10
27. Organize terms in correct order for a cell to divide Chromosomes Chromatids Chromatin OBJECTIVE 11
28. Organize the terms in hierarchical form Cell Organism Tissue Organ System Organ OBJECTIVE 13
29. What is cell differentiation/ cell specialization? 30. How is cell differentiation currently being researched for today? OBJECTIVE 14