Discuss the Timeline on pages Outline Historical Background p Seven Headings, two subheadings each summarizing the content I. The Anglo-Saxons and Medieval Periods A. Britons, a Celtic people, inhabited British Isles in 55 B.C. B. Romans rapidly conquered a. Romans built cities, roads, & introduced Christianity II. The Anglo-Saxon Period
Literary terms (p ) Epic Stock epithet Kenning Alliteration Caesura Words to Know Vocabulary Preview (p. 30) affliction cowering fetter gorge infamous lament livid loathsome murky pilgrimage purge relish talon taut writhing Create flashcards for these 20 words
While reading Beowulf... Take note of main events in the poem (Event Notes) Every 20 lines, write a quick summary of what is going on GRENDEL (p. 33) -Hrothgar’s men celebrate in the mead hall, Herot, causing the evil monster Grendel to awaken -Grendel attacks...