When Literacy, RTI and Continuous School Improvement Work in Concert Lisa Guzzardo Asaro Lisa Guzzardo Asaro Dr. Maureen Staskowski Carrie Wozniak June 16, 2011
Today’s Outcomes Introduce and raise awareness of Close and Critical Reading as a STRATEGY Introduce a DRAFT template for a TIERED continuous school improvement approach
Today’s Roadmap Welcome What is Close and Critical Reading? Building Tiered Interventions into a School Improvement Plan –Goals –Objectives –Strategies –Activities –Fiscal Resources
Parking Lot Rest questions that do not benefit the whole group Place questions that do not pertain to content at this time Place questions that pertain, but participants do not want to ask at this time
Key Working Agreements Respect all Points of View Be Present and Engaged Honor Time Agreements Get All Voices in the Room These breathe life into Belief Statements
One Common Voice – One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps STUDY Analyze Data Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice
One Common Voice – One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps I.-III. Comprehensive Needs Assessment Components III. Summary Report/ Goals Management Study Analyze Data Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice I. School Data Profile/Analysis II. School Process Profile/Analysis I. School Data Profile/Analysis II. School Process Profile/Analysis III. Summary Report/ Goals Management
I. School Data Profile/Analysis II. School Process Profile/Analysis III. Goals Management III. Summary Report Strengths Challenges A Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Stage Two: STUDY Step 7: Research Best Practice STUDY Analyze Data Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice
Comprehension is not enough, critical analysis is essential to determine the truth and value of the message.
Close and Critical Reading Aligned to the Common Core Standards Research Based Direct and Explicit Instruction (clear protocol and activities) Assessments for Grades 3-12 ALL Teachers are a part of literacy instruction
Video Our students have changed. Have we changed our instruction? and the way we assess our students?
Close and Critical Reading The following four questions are used to move students from comprehending the information to the final application to their own lives. These four steps or modes of analysis are reflected in four types of reading and discussion: –What a text says – restatement –What a text does – description –What a text means – interpretation –So what does it mean to me – application
Close and Critical Reading Close and critical reading is the ability to comprehend information, analyze how it is presented, determine the purpose and perspective of the author, establish what it means, and apply it to your life. - Dr. Elaine Weber
Research is on the back of the Close and Critical Reading Bookmarks
Now What? What happens after you have trained your staff in a strategy? What do you do with that Professional Development?
Providing Direct Strategy Instruction Guided Highlighted Reading Close and Critical Reading – Question # 1 – Content and Summary – Question # 2 – Craft, Structure, and Purpose Getting are students ready!
A Seven and or Six Step Guide ACT Guided Highlighted Reading and Passage Matrix
Materials Passage, Multiple Choice Questions with Answers explained, and Teacher Plan. Background Knowledge –Anticipation Guide –Vocabulary –Summary –Text Structure (How the text is written) Guided Highlight – Question #1 Guided Highlight – Question #2
Data Director Directory Exam ID Description of the Test
Building Tiered Intervention within your School Improvement Plans
Problem-Solving Model
High-Quality, research based Language arts curriculum Teachers meeting and making data-based decisions Select criteria, then assess student progress toward goals three times annually Common assessments and observations frame instruction Tier 1
More Frequent Progress Monitoring - a minimum of once every 14 days Tier 2 A minimum of 30 instructional minutes above and beyond the core curriculum to include interventions based on progress monitoring
Tier 3 Weekly/bi-weekly progress monitoring A minimum of 60 instructional minutes above and beyond the core curriculum to include interventions based on progress monitoring
Problem-Solving Model
Tiered Intervention and Continuous School Improvement Working in Concert
Stage Three: Step 8 Plan Develop Action Plan
Goals ObjectivesStrategiesActivities Goal Source Content Area Goal Name Student Goal Statement Gap Statement Cause for Gap Measures/ Sources of Data Criteria for Success Person Responsible Data Elements Fiscal Resources Objective Name Measurable Objective Statement Strategy Name Strategy Statement Target Areas Research Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Planned/Actual Staff Planned/Actual Timeline Resource Name Funding Source Planned/Actual Amount
Identifying Activities for a Strategy 1.A GOAL is associated with a Content Area for which there are challenges noted in the SUMMARY REPORT component of the CNA THEN, must include at the ACTIVITY LEVEL ANY Key Characteristic that is a challenge* in the SA/40 SAR/90, or Quality Indicator that is a challenge* on the SA or Assist SA *any key characteristic/quality indicator marked getting started/emerging or partially implemented/not evident is a challenge
Strategies: Reading Goal Strategy #1: School Wide Data-based decision making process for Tier I, II, and III Strategy #2: Tier I Close and Critical Reading Strategy #3: Tier 2 Reading Interventions Strategy #4: Tier 3 Intensive Reading Interventions
Resources for You
Thank You!!
Contact Information Lisa Guzzardo Asaro Dr. Maureen Staskowski Carrie Wozniak