Every Student Known Every Student Ready
Strengths and Weaknesses StrengthWeakness Administrative LeadershipAchievement Gap Implementation of RCC and Lit. Strategies Constructed Response Reduction of number of students scoring Unsat. on iLeap and Leap Alignment of assessment with state testing
One Goal To improve student achievement in all content areas on standardized tests by 2011.
Strategy 1 1. Positive Behavior Strategies (PBS) will be implemented for all students for the school year. Principal will publish a PBS. Students will receive rewards for positive behavior and academic performance. ○ Bearkit Bucks/Thank-you tickets/Class chains ○ Academic Awards Ceremonies
Strategy 2 2. Curriculum Alignment: 2a. Assessment: ○ Weekly, unit, and final exams will reflect standardized test questioning by including scoffolded questions and fresh reads/unseen material. Additionally, tests will be formatted to look like standardized tests. 2b. Literacy Strategies: ○ Teachers will focus on RCC Literacy Strategies in all subjects. ELA and literacy mentor teachers will assist through modeling and collaboration on ways to implement the strategies suggested in the curriculum. Literacy strategies will be identified in all lesson plans and be posted in the classroom.
Strategy 3 3. Remediation: 3a. LEAP Prep- ○ Eighth grade students who scored Unsatisfactory and possibly Approaching Basic (as room allows) will be offered Leap Prep as an elective course. 3b. Pull-Out Tutoring- ○ Students struggling in core subjects will be offered tutoring during elective periods. 3c. After School Programs- ○ Students scoring Approaching Basic or Basic on iLEAP or struggling in core subjects due to absenteeism will be offered after school, small group instruction.
Strategy 4 4. Curriculum Enhancement: 4a. STEM Science ○ will be offered to both 7 th and 8 th grade. 4b. Math Counts ○ will be offered to 8 th grade students scoring in the ninety-eighth percentile. 4c. Compass Math ○ will be offered to 7th and 8 th grade.
Strategy 5 5. Same-Gender Classes ○ As scheduling allows, students will be placed in same gender core classes.
Every Student Known Every Student Ready One Goal 1. Improve test scores Five Strategies 1. PBS 2. Curriculum Alignment 3. Remediation 4. Curriculum Enhancement 5. Same-Gender Classes