STRUCTURES: PROCESS ENGL 1301 Dr. R. Ramos Revised 10/29/2014
OVERVIEW DEFINITION Process answers the question “How is that done or made?” by explaining in its body paragraphs a procedure as a sequence of steps in chronological (time) order, from earliest in time to the most recent, leading to a definite result. Process can be explained in two methods: as a set of Instructions, in which you give directions directly to your reader (addressed as “you”), or as a Process Explanation, in which someone other than the reader demonstrates the step-by-step procedure. THESIS In a Process essay, the thesis = opinion of the process and/or its end result. Is the process difficult? Easy? Tricky? Is the end result worth it? Your answer becomes the thesis statement.
BODY PARAGRAPH STRUCTURE Intro with Thesis: opinion of the process and/or end result I.Body or Section 1: Stage 1 – getting ready, gathering materials, beginning steps. II.Body or Section 2: Stage 2 – continuing the steps; the hardest, busiest, or most tedious steps. III.Body or Section 3: Stage 3 – finishing up and the end result. Conclusion: Restate Thesis; comment about your experience with the process; strong concluding statement.
SUPPORTING DETAILS In a Process, always remember to keep your readers’ needs in mind. What do you know that a newbie most likely don’t know? Don’t leave ANYTHING out. For Instructions: Second Person: Use “you” all over the place. Yes, this is the only instance where you’re allowed to use “you” in the body paragraphs of an essay. Use present tense and commands: “Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.” For Process Explanation: First or Third Person: Use “I” or “He,” “She,” “They,” “One,” or “It” – depending on who (like a person) or what (like a body organ) is doing the process. No “you.” Choose either past tense or present tense and then use it consistently. Avoid commands.