By Qaeshon Rawlings
CHEETAHACIDOBACTERIA Kingdom :Animal Phylum :Chordata Class :Mammalia Order :Carnivore Family :Felidae Genus : Aclhonyx Species : jubatus Kingdom: bacteria Phylum: acidobacteria Class: acidobacteria Order: acidobacteriates Family: acidobacteriaceae Genus: Terriglobus Species:roseus
CHEETAHACIDOBACTERIA multicellular Unicellular
CHEETAHACIDOBACTERIA eukaryote no cell wall Prokaryote Have a cell wall
CHEETAHACIDOBACTERIA hunt for their food Chemo-organotroph
CHEETAHACIDOBACTERIA Hair made of keratin mph Fastest land animal Tail to steer New bacteria Discovered in 19 Soil bacteria Can be white or pink
CHEETAHACIDOBACTERIA m Solitary animal 1mm
CHEETAHACIDOBACTERIA carnivorous Micro-organism in the soil
CHEETAHACIDOBACTERIA Sexually Between 20 and 24 months 3-5 cubs 3 months Asexually
CHEETAHACIDOBACTERIA Keep the animal he hunt in check decomposer
CHEETAHACIDOBACTERIA Dry open grassland Sub-Saharan Africa Oligotroph Can live in low level of nutrients
CHEETAHACIDOBACTERIA Camouflage Tear marks Cell wall Cell membrane
1. What class is the cheetah in? 2. Is the acidobacteria a pro or euk? 3. Name one fact about a cheetah? 4. Do a cheetah have a cell wall? 5. Name one defense of the acidobacteria?