Fate VS. Choice Paper Romeo and Juliet
November 9, 2015 Today’s Agenda: Review literary elements and figurative language Review parts of a well-developed paragraph; introduce assignment Define fate; model topic sentences Read Act 3, Scene 1 Period 5: Read Act 3, Scene 1 and 2 L Demonstrate understanding of figurative language W – Write arguments to support claims of analysis
Elements of a well-developed paragraph
Fate Vs. Choice Choice- An act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities. Fate- The development of events beyond a person’s control, determined by a supernatural force. Resource: Oxford Dictionaries
Fate VS. Choice Fate Feud between families Reading letter for Peter “death marked love” in prologue Choice Going to party, knowing it is a bad idea Marrying without telling others Killing Juliet’s cousin
Topic Sentence W : Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. Because of their impulsive decisions, Romeo and Juliet’s poor choices lead to their untimely deaths. Romeo and Juliet’s poor choices and impulsive decisions lead to their death…to their destruction…to their downfall. Poor choices and impulsive decisions cause the untimely deaths of young Romeo and Juliet.
Topic Sentence Assignment Homework: Write a topic sentence supporting your claim. *Topic sentence due tomorrow (11/10) at the beginning of your class period**