Teaching to Diversity in the Regular Classroom
Learners learn best when… “Engagement” (active processing) for learning happens when … Need for collaboration for success in regular classroom Pulling it all together:
Getting to Know Learners VAKT (sensory input preferences for learning connected to “how” concepts presented) Multiple Intelligences ( processing modalities) Use of Interest inventories, personalities, preferences, etc. ( place to shine) Common Learning characteristics of students with various special needs
Engagement ( Active processing) through… Open-ended learning activities Dynamic Grouping Strategies Appropriate challenges
Appropriate Challenges by Differentiating Instruction multiple options for: taking in information (content), making sense of ideas (process), and expressing what they have learned (product).
Differentiate Instruction: Differentiate according to: - readiness -learning style -interest
Unit Planning Plan with end in mind, (backward design) Refer to curriculum documents for expectations, learning outcomes or objectives that need to be addressed Examine learning outcomes for essential understandings, (overarching concepts, big ideas) Consider Student /Class profiles Plan assessments ( pre, formative, summative) Plan learning experiences ( differentiated instruction, adapt/modify using E-Smart, or other accommodations)
Essential Understandings Here are some examples: Democratic governments must balance the rights of the individual with the common good. Living things grow and change over time. Reading place value correctly is essential when comparing numbers. The ability to conduct research enables you to add to your knowledge and to make informed decisions.
New Bloom’s Taxonomy Analyze Evaluate Create Apply Understand Remember
Planning Pyramid -what FEW students will learn - what SOME students will learn -What ALL students will learn.