Initial mass of mixture Mass of iron recovered Mass of 250 mL beaker Mass of sand after drying Mass of beaker with salt (after evaporation) Mass of salt recovered Total mass recovered ABCDEFGABCDEFG E - C B + D + F
1.What does an exothermic reaction feel like in lab? 2.What does an endothermic reaction feel like in lab? Day
1. What is science? 2. What is chemistry? CP Chem I
Our Definiton the purpose of science: In the simplest terms, science attempts to... EXPLORE and EXPLAIN... the natural world.
How Does Science Accomplish Its Goal? EXPLORE -- By making objective observations of events / phenomenon in nature.
How Does Science Accomplish Its Goal? EXPLAIN -- By applying the principle of cause and effect.
What is Science?
What is Chemistry? Chemistry – study of the composition of matter, and the changes that matter undergoes
Chemistry Is... It is the study of MATTER. OR
Matter Is... Anything that: Takes up space AND has mass
What Is This ‘Stuff’ We’ve Called Matter? One way of defining matter is as the stuff of which everything is made.
The Branches of the Chemis - Tree Inorganic Organic Biochem. Analytical Physical
Organic chemistry – the study of most carbon containing compounds Inorganic chemistry – the study of all substances not classified as organic, mainly those compounds that do not contain carbon Physical chemistry – uncovers the physical laws underlying changes in matter Analytical chemistry – the identification of the components and composition of materials – what’s there and how much Biochemistry – the study of substances and processes occurring in living things
1.What is matter? Day Branch of chemistry that attempts to determine what’s there and how much =
What is our model for scientific inquiry?
Measure the width of your chemistry book.
Always go one more place than marked! __ __ __. __ __ onestens tenths Measure me 6.5
Measure me 7.00 Always go one more place than marked!
Same for measuring liquids! Always go one more place than marked!
Organic Chemistry Explore and Explain Biochemistry Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Physical Chemistry Science Inorganic Chemistry Matter Penn State
Notebooks Review section 1.1 and complete #s 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 on page 5 – Hand in before leaving
1.Stay in your seat and get your Chapter # 1 test out. Day
1. Calculate and record your test percentage. 2. How did you prepare for the test (Be Specific!)? 3. Study (preparation) Plan for next test? 4.Set a goal: A: you must improve by at least 2 percentage points. B, C, or D: you must improve by at least 3 percentage points. F: you must pass Day
What are the 5 branches of chemistry? Inorganic Organic Biochem. Analytical Physical
A – small graduated cylinder B – Big graduated cylinder C – person
Read section 2 of chapter 3 and complete #s on page 82
1.Get your lab out. What mini- experiments do you have left? Day
1.Finish lab and complete postlab – lab packets are due tomorrow! 2.All make up work is due by Thursday 10-2!!! 3. Notebook Checks – volunteers today Day