太陽雑誌会 2004/2/2 殿岡 TETHER-CUTTING ENERGETICS OF A SOLAR QUIET-REGION PROMINENCE ERUPTION Alphonse C. Sterling1, 2 and Ronald L. Moore NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, SD50/Space Science Department, Huntsville,AL 35812; Received 2003 May 31; accepted 2003 August 19 The Astrophysical Journal, 599:1418–1425, 2003 December 20
Introduction ● Two different types of filament and prominence eruptions.. active region and quiet region eruptions ● “both types of eruptions are aspects of a more general magnetic eruption process and that the mechanism driving these eruptions is the same in the two cases” ● Quiet-region prominence eruption of 1999 Feb 8-9 ● the expected observational detectability of tether-cutting reconnection
Instrumentation and data
Observations: EIT 284A
Observations: SXT
Observations: Figure3
Observations:Figure4 Light curves and trajectory of the prominence. Upper: EIT, Lower: SXT
Energetics estimating the amount of energy required for the prominence eruption, the gravitational energy dominates the kinetic energy by 2 orders of magnitude.
Energetics -2- Estimating heating energy associated with tether cutting reconnection. (radiated energy) + (thermal energy) a heating rate of 10 5 –10 7 ergs cm 2 s 1,
Discussion ● Previous results.. quiet region and active region eruptions ● Dimmings ● The heating due to tether cutting reconnection ● Summaries regardign tether cutting reconnection ● The assumption of a constant energy ratio