3 OBJECTIVE Put Strategies In Place To Manage Limited/Light Duty Employees in the Most Cost Effective Manner for the Success of the Organization BAY-VALLEY DISTRICT
4 Reduce the Number of Limited & Light Duty Cases Eliminate Non-Productive Hours Ensure Compliance to PAFS Check List Measurement of Success
5 ORNA DEFINITION PRODUCTIVE: The total weekly hours performed and charged to a production LDC regardless of the actual productivity of the employee. Productive work may not include work already assigned to another employee as part of their regular assignment. NON-PRODUCTIVE: The total weekly hours performed and charged to a non- production LDC. Productive work may not be assigned from a part of another employee's regular assignment.
6 ® Two summaries are displayed, Active and Expired. Records Expire when the Return or Next Medical Dates have passed. Daily Hours by type are listed, along with key dates, crafts and primary reason.
7 ® Data Entry and Editing Records Records can be edited by clicking on Edit icon. New records are created by clicking New button. Select Primary ORNA type. Other details may be entered on next screen. Enter Employee ID.
8 ® Enter Daily Authorized (paid) hours. PTR use Daily Scheduled. Do not enter Leave or OWCP. Employee works 4 hours with 4 hours OWCP – enter only the 4 hours Authorized (worked). Do same for Work with Leave, enter only Workhours. Enter Daily Productive Hours within Craft in Modified Assignment. Enter Daily Productive Authorized Hours Out of Craft. Must have earned workload available. Complete remaining entries. Non-Productive Hours will be calculated on Summary Report. Data Entry and Editing Records Position Information
9 ® While the main purpose of ORNA is management of Non- Productive hours, other absence types may also be tracked. These other absences do not populate Budget tool, but can be used for reference. There are no calculations or consideration given for other absences. Select type of absence and click Next>> Data Entry and Editing Records Position Information With Leave
10 ® Enter 0 for Total Authorized Hours Leave both Productive Hours Authorized fields blank. Select Function. Select Primary reason for Absence. Enter description or comments. Employee will appear on report with 0 Total Hours available and display the primary reason. Data Entry and Editing Records Position Information With Leave
11 ® Use Calendar to enter ORNA Begin and End dates. Enter End Date Type. Use Actual if known. Last Medical and Next Medical Appointments are required for Light/Limited Duty. Limitations and Timeframe must be updated after Medical report is received. Records Expire when End Date or Next Medical Appointment Date is reached. New, signed Modified Assignment documents must be uploaded whenever limitations change. (link under construction) Data Entry and Editing Records Timeframe Information
12 ® Frequently Asked Questions Q. Why don’t hours have to total 40 like they used to? A. By entering Daily Hours, additional flexibility for future enhancement is possible. Daily Hours will be multiplied by workdays for reporting purposes. Q. Where do I enter Leave hours? A. Leave hours are not entered. Only enter Authorized Work Hours. Employees on Leave will show with zero Work Hours available. Select type of Leave from drop down menu. Q. How do I enter employee that works 4 hours per day with 4 hours OWCP? A. Enter 4 hours Authorized, 4 hours productive in craft. Other fields blank. Enter OWCP in comments field. Q. Where do I enter hours for employees detailed out? A. Detail hours are not entered, only Authorized Hours in Craft. Leave Authorized Hours zero. Employees on detail will show with zero Work Hours available in Craft.
13 ® Q. How do I enter Limited Duty Carrier detailed to higher level? A. In order to manage Limited Duty processes, employee needs to be entered as Limited Duty, with the required medical dates maintained. Enter 8 hours Authorized, and 8 hours productive other craft. Select 204B from Limitation/Reason box, and select Alternate Craft. Q. How do I enter Limited Duty Carrier that cases route for 4 hours and then performs 4 hours available earned work in F4? A. Enter 8 hours Authorized, 4 hours Authorized Productive in Craft, 4 hours Authorized Productive other Craft. Select F4 from Alternate Craft menu. Q. Where do I enter hours for Military Leave? A. Like all other Leave, no hours are entered. Select Military from Limitation/Reason box Frequently Asked Questions
14 BAY-VALLEY DISTRICT NRP VALIDATION Where are we? Currently being validated in Phase One by the HQ’s Team How long will it take? The commitment from the HQ’s Team is that Bay-Valley will be validated in Phase One by April 2009
15 BAY-VALLEY DISTRICT NRP VALIDATION What are the challenges in front of us and why does it take so long? The biggest challenge is getting the data from the offices, ie; updated medicals, job offers and supervisor worksheets How can the offices assist HRM with getting validated? When HRM request the data get it to us ASAP. The longer you take the longer it will take us to get validated.