Updates from the Office of Human Resources/Accountability September 13, 2011
Human Resources (Updates) Renewal Credits for Licensure One half of the number of renewal credits are needed for a NC Standard 2 Professional Educator’s License – from 15 to 7.5 The State Board also could adjust the amount of credit given for experience
Human Resources (Updates) Performance –Based Reductions in Force Eliminates priority given to career teachers who have been dismissed due to a RIF as provided in the previous statute
Human Resources (Updates) Modified Teacher Career Status Law Creates a 4 th type of growth plan called a mandatory improvement plan (individual, monitored, directed) Mandatory growth plan appears to replace the term “action plan” School systems must create a list of “qualified observers selected by each schools’ school improvement team Qualified observes must have excellent reputations for competence and fairness
Human Resources (Updates) Principals must take this observation into account in evaluating a teacher at the end of a mandatory growth plan Inadequate performance is defined as failure to meet a proficient level on any standard of the evaluation instrument Evaluation requirements for teachers are consistent with RttT
Testing - ACRE Several Field Tests for the school year (spreadsheets have been ed) All Extend 2 will be available for online administrations (highly recommended)
Testing - New Accountability Model ACRE Developing operational model for public comment this fall Held discussion with EVAAS to understand how value-added modeling could be used in school-level growth assessments Planning approach to administration of the ACT (as outlined in SB 479) for March 2012 Continuing work on the simulation of Growth Index in the new model
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Updates from the Office of Human Resources/Accountability October 4, 2011
Accountability Updates Elimination of Grade 10 Writing (undecided) – will make final decision by October 31 Student survey questions eliminated Graduation rate instead of dropout rate will be used to calculate academic change for high schools Graduation rate will be reported by subgroups for (may create additional targets)
Accountability Updates Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Waivers DPI sent a waiver request letter in August DPI will submit a waiver by November 14 Response by January 2012 Approved waivers will be effective with the school year : Transition Year : Implement New Accountability Model
Accountability Updates (Waiver Request Structure) Lowest 5% of schools (Priority Schools) Top Schools (Reward Schools) Middle Group (Focus Schools) – biggest gaps in achievement, for high schools with less than 60% graduation rate
Accountability Updates ACT Plus Writing All 11 th grade students Math, English, Reading, Science March 6, 2012 test date March 20, 2012, make-up test date All students take ACT (except 1% - NC Extend 1) DPI will develop an Extend 1 for this population Use in for accountability purposes (post secondary readiness measure) Not in Ships to principals, ACT focuses on principals making the decisions
Accountability Updates ACT Plus Writing Plan All 10 th grade students (December ) Diagnostic Use Work Keys Seniors identified as CTE Concentrator Feb 201 Upcoming webinars on October 3-6; 4-5:30)
Accountability Updates For , Online Assessments with P/P Version: grades 5 and 8 All EOCs (Math 1, Biology and English II) All NCEXTEND 2 (not just limited to OCS students) P/P Assessments with Online Version: NCEXTEND 1 will always be p/p
Accountability Updates Next generation of Math and English II Assessments English II assessment (replacing English 1) is designed for on-line (Field Tests this year) Operational Will consist of traditional and multiple choice Constructed response Technology Enhanced Text Identity and String Replace
Accountability Updates Math I/Integrated Math Operational (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) assessments available Shorter field tests (50 questions, calculator active and inactive) Operational test is targeted for 50 questions as well Some common core standards are best assessed without calculator(permits a higher depth of knowledge) – DOK
Updates from the Office of Human Resources/Accountability November 8, 2011 Powerpoint Not used for this meeting
Updates from the Office of Human Resources/Accountability December 6, 2011
Update on Teacher Effectiveness See powerpoint handout