Raising Kingdom Families Lesson 5. to regard or treat (someone) with respect and admiration: to show or give honor to (someone) to show admiration for.


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Presentation transcript:

Raising Kingdom Families Lesson 5

to regard or treat (someone) with respect and admiration: to show or give honor to (someone) to show admiration for (someone or something) in a public way: to give a public honor to (someone or something) to do what is required by (something, such as a promise or a contract) Honor and Respect

a feeling of admiring someone or something that is good, valuable, important, etc. a feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious, etc., and should be treated in an appropriate way a particular way of thinking about or looking at something Honor and Respect

I All human relationships are based initially on what a child learns at home. That’s why God made it unequivocally clear from the beginning of recorded history that honor and respect are critical elements in every home.

Honor and Respect God has an order established in all that He does, and He works through that order. In the home, the mother and the father have the responsibility of raising the children and the children have the responsibility of honoring and respecting their parents. When you disregard God’s order, you INVITE damage to come into your life.

Honor and Respect When you go around His way— or dishonor His way— you enter into His consequences. For both children and adults, how we respond to God’s established flow influences how God will respond to us. You may choose your path but not your consequences.

Honor and Respect Honor flows out of a heart of respect; establishing that respect mindset in your children is critical. Sometimes parents have to realize that, even if they can’t quite get the heart to show honor or respect, the actions still must.

How to Show Honor 1. Honor is to be shown emotionally. 2. Honor is to be shown verbally. 3. Honor is to be shown financially. 4. Honor is to be shown by obedience.

Communication or Transmission? Communication takes place not only when a message is sent but also when it is received, understood and acted upon. A kingdom home should have open and frequent sharing of feelings or mutual concerns, listening, understanding, empathy, affirmation, and accessibility to discussion and information.

Communication In all communication, there are three parts. The encoder is the person who wants to say something. The message is what’s actually said. It’s supposed to convey the encoder’s intended information and emotion, but it has a life of its own and is easily misinterpreted. The decoder receives and deciphers the message, making sense of it.

Kingdom Keys for Communication Number One - Be honest. (Eph. 4:25) The first kingdom key is honesty. One reason families break apart is the lack of honesty and consequent lack of trust. People are afraid to tell each other what they really think and feel. They are afraid to be vulnerable.

Kingdom Keys for Communication Number Two - Be angry and sin not. Ephesians 4:26 When you harbor unresolved anger in your heart for anyone, you set yourself up for bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness.

Kingdom Keys for Communication Number Three - When communication is in, Satan is out. Ephesians 4:27 Satan's plan for your family, it would be simple: divide and conquer; destroy. His plan is to make sure your family is torn apart and God’s destiny for each of you destroyed.

Kingdom Keys for Communication Number Four - Let your speech edify. Ephesians 4:29 Don’t talk badly or spread unkind words about anyone. Discuss only things that will lift somebody up. This encouragement should stem from an authentic heart full of love, seeing your children through God’s eyes.

Kingdom Keys for Communication Number Five - Listen. Ephesians 4:29 Listening is hard work. It’s a good practice to establish a listening time with your kids where they are free to respectfully communicate with you about whatever is on their heart.