What will happen if we have three petri dishes lined with agar… Touch one of them and seal Breathe in one and seal Leave one completely alone to use as our control
The bacteria is going to be yellow with a lot of colonies Touch will have more colonies than breath Nothing will grow in the control petri dish
13 colonies of bacteria the first day 70 colonies the second day 81 colonies the third and last day Biggest colony was twenty two millimeters long
8-11 colonies on the first day The second day it stayed the same The third day had twenty one colonies The biggest colony was seven millimeters long
Touch Breath
Number of Colonies
Our hypothesis was correct! We successfully grew bacteria in both petri dishes Touch dish had the most Control had none.
The Brown Mountain Lights are said to be spirits of Native Americans. The theory is that methane gas rising into the air and then burns.
"MicrobeWorld - My published negative result… (The Gene Gym blog)." MicrobeWorld. N.p., 24 Oct Web. 24 Oct "brown mountain lights - Bing Images." Bing. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct