04/2007 EU and Turkey Supported by the European Commission (DG ENV)
04/ : First application to join what was then the European Economic Community (EEC) : Ankara Association Agreement :envisaged the progressive establishment of a customs union 1987 : Turkey applied for full membership 1995 : Custom Union established between EU and Turkey 1999 : European Council in Helsinki, Turkey become officially candidates 1999: Beginning of Accession process 2001: Partnership for the accession of Turkey signed, revision in : Turkey sufficiently fulfilled the Copenhagen political criteria 2005: Start of accession negotiations Turkey and EU relation
04/2007 Financial Instrument in Turkey 1.Instrument as Euro Mediterranean country New instrument as Candidate country for
04/2007 MEDA (Main instrument of economic and financial cooperation under the Euro-Mediterranean partnership) Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, the Palestinian Territory, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey Instrument for Euro Mediterranean countries
04/2007 Objective: To implement the cooperation measures designed to help Mediterranean non-member countries reform their economic and social structures and mitigate the social and environmental consequences of economic development. Two periods: : Budget EUR 3,435 Billion : Budget EUR 5,350 Billion. Organisations supporting business Private operators Cooperatives associations Non-governmental organisations Foundations Regions Local authorities, Regional organisations Public agencies Local communities BENEFICIARIES
04/2007 General objectives To reinforce political stability and democracy To create a euro-mediterranean free trade area, economic and social cooperation Taking into account human and cultural dimension General measures Economic transition of Mediterranean non-member countries ( Free Trade Area) As support for jobs creation, SME, private investment, industrial cooperation… Sustainable socio-economic development As promotion of youth exchange,cultural cooperation, strengthen human rights, democracy… Regional, sub-regional and cross-border cooperation As Development of structure for regional cooperation, trade, exchange between civil society EU and Euro med Countries General activities Technical assistance Training Institution building Information seminar Studies Project for investment
04/2007 Financing Form: Grants managed by European Commission Risk capital provided and managed by EBI Interest rate subsidies for EIB loans within the framework of environmental cooperation Annual Report from European Commission to European Parliament and Council (each year) Summarise actions financed and results obtained in comparison to the Strategic Paper Programming Strategy paper ( National and Regional level) Define long term objectives and priorities Financing decision (each year basis NIP and RIP) Lists of projects to be financed National Indicative Programme Regional Indicative Programme (three year period) Define main objective, guidelines, priority sector of community support, indicative amounts and criteria
04/2007 IAP Instrument for pre accession assistance Beneficiary countries are divided into two categories EU candidate countries Croatia, Turkey and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Potential candidate countries in the Western Balkans Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia including Kosovo New instrument as Candidate country for Regulation (2006)1085 Regulation (2006)1085: Establishing an instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance
04/2007 IAP in Turkey EUR 1,468 Billion Total:EUR 1,468 Billion for Expected budgets 2007: EUR 497 Million 2008: EUR 538 Million 2009: EUR 566 Million 2010: EUR 653 Million Goals: Implementation of Copenhague Criteria To support economic and social cohesion To promote implementation of the Communitarian Acquis To promote political and social dialogue between EU and Turkey Main objectives: To provide targeted assistance with a simplified instrument to prepare candidate countries to manage European funds covering the same areas
04/2007 Priorities: Democratic institutions and the rule of law Administration, carry out economic reforms Promote respect for human as well as minority rights and gender equality Support the development of civil society and advance regional co-operation Contribute to sustainable development and poverty reduction With five components: 1.Transition assistance and institution building 2.Cross border cooperation European states and IAP countries 3.Regional development Transports, environment and economic development 4.Human resources development Enforce human capital and combating exclusion 5.Rural development IPA financial assistance can be suspended by a Council decision (qualified majority needed) if a country does not fulfil the commitments made in its partnership agreement for EU accession or European partnership (regarding respect of human rights and the rights of minority groups).
04/2007 Multi Annual Programmes Multi-Annual Indicative Planning Three-Year Strategy Document (areas of intervention and main priorities)
04/2007 Multi-annual indicative financial framework for COMPONENTS T Transition assistance and institution building 252,2250,2233,2211,3 U Cross border cooperation 6,68,89,49,6 R Regional development 167,5173,8182,7238,1 K Human resources development 50,252,955,663,4 ERural Development 20,75385,5131,3 Y TOTAL497,2538,7566,4653,7 Million EUR current prices
04/2007 Cross border cooperation between Greece and Turkey Objectives : Upgrading the infrastructure and developing cross-border cooperation in social and economic sectors Four priorities: Cross-border Infrastructure Economic Development and Employment Quality of life / Environment / Culture Technical Assistance The eligible region covers the entire land and maritime neighbouring areas of Greece and Turkey Total resources : EUR 66 Million Greece: EUR 46,6 Million Turkey: EUR 19,35 Million
04/2007 Cross border cooperation within IAP Objectives : to promote the creation and development of cooperation networks between border regions and the establishment of links between these networks and wider Community networks. To promote good neighbourly relations To foster stability, security and prosperity in the mutual interest of all countries To encourage their harmonious, balanced and sustainable development To promote economic social development in borders areas To promote local “ people to people” type of actions Eligible actions: Improvement of infrastructures and the provision of local water, gas and electricity supplies Environmental protection Agricultural and rural development; Local economic development Training and employment measures Justice and home affairs
04/2007 Three stand of cooperation: At land and maritime borders with member states( coordination between IAP and ERDF) South East Europe transnational programme and mediterranean transnational programme Borders with mediterranean countries (coordination between IAP and ENPI) The black sea programme and the mediterranean programme At borders among candidates and potential candidates essentially Western Balkans Example of IAP cross border associated countries Turkey-Greece, Bulgaria-Turkey Joint programme: Document giving strategy, priorities Cross border cooperation within IAP
04/2007 Useful links: