Terminology associated with development
The measure of how a country is economically, socially, culturally or technologically advanced. Aspects of development Efficient justice system Social welfare and health guide Human right and equal opportunity Infrastructure Employment opportunities Education Basic Needs
developed countries developing countries industrialised countries
Developed countries Countries that are economically, culturally and socially advanced. Characteristics: Developed Countries More industrialised Generally well educated Good quality of life Work mainly in the industrial and service sector richer
Developing countries Countries that have low standards of living as resources are not yet utilised effectively. Characteristics: Developing countries Small industrial sectors Lower / Poor standard of living Unable to use their resources effectively Low national income
Industrialised countries Countries that rapid growth in their economies due to a switch from agriculture to large scale industrialisation. Characteristics: Industrialised countries Not classified as developing but not advanced as the developed countries Rapid growth in the economy Increased industrialisation
Developed countries Middle income to high income, industrialised countries. Associated with capitalism. Characteristics: higher standards of living for their people highly industrialised use their resources efficiently manufacture and export goods on the world market access to diverse range of goods and services efficient and well-development infrastructure
Modern Economically Developed Countries
Developing Countries Low-income to middle income, unindustrialised countries. Characteristics: lower standards of living for most of their people. limited access to or fewer goods and services high level of poverty poorer infrastructure export raw materials import manufactured goods as they can not make them
Less Economically Developed Countries
Refers to the gap between wealthy, industrialised countries of the North and poorer, less developed countries of the South. Note: The line does NOT follow the equator. Brandt line – Imaginary line which separates the richer (MEDCs) and poorer (LEDCs) countries, based on their wealth.
North-South divide
Countries that are economically developing very quickly. Lately they are generally characterised by stable political rule, democratic and human rights, and their ability to attract foreign investment.
Newly Industrialised Countries