Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) By: Molly C, Tyler B and Katie J
Purpose A public work relief program for unemployed men from 1933 to It was part of the New Deal proposed by FDR. It was an aid relief of the unemployment. The relief program provided jobs for unemployed men and help rebuild America.
What did it do? planted over 3 billion trees. Planted trees to begin reforestation and stop winds. Planted trees to hold water into the ground and hold the dirt in place. build parks that created most national parks. creating logging roads connecting public lands. built more than 3470 fire towers. 97,000 miles of fire roads 84,400,000 acres of good agricultural land received manmade drainages systems. Most of the camps gave the men vocational training and other educations. 40,000 illiterate men were taught to read and write. 500 camps
How it alleviated the depression Some think that the CCC was responsible for a 55% reduction in crimes committed by the young. Would only get 6 months of work at a time. Many would reenlist them selfs. Provided jobs for unemployed men. all men were paid about $25 a month and were forced to send $20 dollars back home.
Effectiveness Was the most popular of the New Deal programs with the people. Certainly did create many jobs Accomplished many important environmental jobs. Was the foundation for the State Parks system. 3 million men were trained. Because men were expected to send money home, this was used to boost the economy. Gave the people hope, because something was being done. Was likely one of the contributing factors that helped to end the depression.
Legality Hardly any complaints about the legality of the CCC. Was very well liked by the public. Conservative congressmen considered CCC socialist.
Criticism Labeled as socialism by conservative congressmen 8% desertion rate, went to 20% at end when more jobs opened up Many people looked down on the Army's large involvement Segregation: –Some camps were integrated in the beginning –By 1935: complete segregation according to CCC director Robert Fechner –Nearly 150 all-black camps held 250,000
Difference from before Federal government program focused on restoring environment Hoover was criticized for his refusal to authorize large-scale relief programs that might have alleviated the nation's suffering and hunger