APP. # A1 ITEM 11A, THURSDAY OCTOBER 9 Kochis Dock Replacement 1509 East Bay Avenue, Newport Beach
CONCLUSION The existing one dock system is 1, sq. ft. in size and the new two dock system is 1,018 sq. ft. The new dock system is a decrease in size of sq. ft. over public land. The visual resources will not be adversely impacted. Existing docks in Newport Harbor for individual houses are the norm and dividing this dock into two will have no impact. Public access will be enhanced rather than negatively impacted. Per the request of the CCC Staff, the new docks will be built a foot higher than the existing dock. This will allow the public to traverse the beach easier and go underneath the docks if they so desire. We are in agreement with the Staff recommendation but would ask that Special Condition #1 be eliminated.