Report from ASHRAE Meeting Biggest issues Infection control The day the earth stood still: Jan. 23, :01 am LEED is increasingly accepted by building professionals Software is being used by designers Increasing prevalence of Chinese and Korean companies
Objectives Report back from Dr. Corsi’s lecture? Finish discussing project and deliverables Introduce software project
Deliverables Topic justificationFebruary 25 Experimental protocolFebruary 165 Literature reviewFebruary 2310 Draft of final reportApril 610 Technical reviews (2)April 1815 Oral presentationsApril Final report, Response to reviews May 430, 5
Comments about Topic Selection Start with an idea Many great ideas submitted Look around on the web to get ideas, not as a source Go deeper Find a design application or specific aspect that interests you Come and talk to me Talk to your peers
Software Project Purpose is for you to learn a software tool that is used in industry Largely a self-taught exercise (of course, I am available to help) Three software packages are available CONTAM (ventilation and IAQ) WUFI (moisture transport) ENERGY-10 (building energy efficiency)
Challenge These packages are all different Complexity Ease of use Background knowledge required I have tried to balance criteria and effort to even the playing field I will consider a curve in evaluation if grade is significantly correlated with software package.
General Comments CONTAM WUFI ENERGY-10
Two Deliverables March 2 nd and 28 th Not meant to be onerous Criteria explicitly described on handout