Line is: The connection of two points. The Element in a room that moves the eye from one point to another.
Line 1. Vertical 2. Horizontal 3. Curved 4. Diagonal horizontal verticalvertical diagonal Curved
Vertical Line Lends dignity and formality Creates feelings of aspiration and ascension. Leads the eye up. A feeling of height and strength.
Horizontal Line Restful Relaxing Informal Casual Comfortable
Diagonal Line Active Suggests movement Excitement Energy Direction
Curved Line Graceful Feminine Delicate Gentle
Pattern is. The application of color, lines, shapes, and designs to create the illusion of texture and/or visual interest. Pattern adds dimension and interest Simplest way of designing a surface
Pattern Combinations. Too much pattern can make a room too busy and uncomfortable
Pattern Combinations. A room without pattern may be too stark or lacking interest
To achieve a feeling of correctness in combining patterns: 1Pick 3 2. Vary the Scale 3. Vary the Colors 4. Add Solids the Textures
Pick 3 Everything looks better in groups of three, and pattern is no exception. 2 patterns look great, but 3 patterns combined successfully will change a room.
Vary the Scale Pick a large scale fabric for pattern 1 For pattern 2, pick a fabric that is half the scale of pattern 1 For Pattern 3 use a solid color or textured color from either pattern
Vary the Color Stay with the same color tones and intensities.
Add Solids & Texture Adding a solid or textured fabric will help bring everything together Solids give the eye some place to rest
Horizontal Line in a room
Curved Line in a room
Use of Pattern
Diagonal Line in a room