Competitive Advantage
Businesses look to gain advantage over their competition in the eyes of the consumer Some may be Sustainable Continues over time Non-sustainable Easily replicated Competitive Advantage
Sustainable Competitive Advantage Hold Customers Despite Competition Examples – Unique Selling Proposition (USP) – Lowering Production Costs – Servicing a Niche Market – Creating Customer Loyalty
Unique Selling Proposition (USP) – something that no one else has – ex: patents No one can replicate you idea/design
Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Low Production Costs – reducing costs to create or deliver products – Finding a way to run your business in a cheaper way than the competition – ex: new technology to make product more cheaply
Lowering Production Costs
Servicing a Niche Market – finding a specific market that others have difficulty serving – ex: specialized software – ex: referee whistles
Servicing a Niche Market
Creating Customer Loyalty – customers can be loyal to brand, product retailer, etc. – You go back time and time again Because of a variety of reasons – Trust the people, like the style, havn’t done you wrong in the past, friendly employees, etc. – ex: a customer may buy the same brand of shoes each time
Creating Customer Loyalty
Non-Sustainable Competitive Advantages Shifts customers from the competition The shift is only temporary and can be replicated Examples: – Promotion – Placement – Quality – Benefits of use – Design features
Promotion – advertising is almost always required – top-of-the-mind awareness – ex: “Roll Up The Rim To Win”
Placement – need to get product to customer – stores, cities, corners – The competitor that can find the easiest way to deliver the product/service often wins – ex: big retail stores that wipe out the competition are called category killers
Quality – best, easiest to use, lightest, etc. – Certain businesses will push that their product is the best quality and that’s why you should give them their business – ex: Ferraro Rocher
Benefits of Use – marketing the product based on what it does – “Your life will be better because of this product or service” – ex: if you buy the ps3 vs the xbox 360 – you can easily stream videos wirelessly from you PC to your TV
Benefits of Use
Design Features – features that are different between products – Example: What smartphone A does vs. smartphone B – ex: color, shape, extra buttons, etc.
Design Features
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