The ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives enthusiastically People tend to follow those in whom they see a means of satisfying their own personal goals. Definitions of Leadership
Personal Traits Leader Behavior Contingency Approaches Why are some people more effective leaders than others? Approaches to the Study of Leadership
1. How Managers Use Their Authority McGregor’s Theory X Theory Y Likert’s 4 Systems of Management System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 Leader Behavior Approaches
2. Leader’s Overall Orientation MichiganJob centered vs Employee Centered Ohio StateInitiating Structure Consideration Managerial Grid
High Low Concern for People Concern for Production Country Club Impoverished Push for Production Team “Organization Man” (9,9) (1,9) (5,5) (1,1) (9,1) The Managerial Grid
Tannenbaum & Schmidt Fiedler’s Contingency Theory Path-Goal Theory Hersey & Blanchard’s Life Cycle Contingency Approaches to Leadership
Manager’s Use of Authority Area of Freedom for Subordinates Boss-CenteredSubordinate- Leadership Centered Leadership Tannenbaum and Schmidt
Leader- Member Relations Task Structure Power Position Good Relations Poor Relations Structured Unstructured Strong Weak Strong Weak Fiedler’s Contingency Theory
Leader- Member Relations Task Structure Power Position Leader Style Good Relations Poor Relations Structured Unstructured Strong Weak Strong Weak Situational Favorableness Task Oriented Employee OrientedTask Oriented Fiedler’s Contingency Theory
LeaderSubordinateSubordinate BehaviorPerceptions Outcomes Type of Subordinate Type of Task DirectiveValenceEffort SupportiveExpectancyMotivation AchievementInstrumentalityPerformance ParticipativeSatisfaction Path Goal Theory of Leadership
Task Behavior Relationship Behavior LHLH HLHL Follower Readiness LH Hersey & Blanchard’s Life Cycle Theory of Leadership
Charismatic instills pride Behaviorinstills faith instills a sense of vision Individual delegates to stimulate learning Consideration Intellectualencourages new ideas Stimulationencourages rethinking old ideas encourages risk taking Transformational Leadership
Use Perspective Selection/Placement Training/Development Type of Theory Universal Trait Theory Behavioral Theories Contingency Fiedler Tannenbaum & TransformationalSchmidt Path-Goal Hersey & Blanchard Classifying Leadership Theories