Microsoft Access 4 Database Creation and Management
Creating Web-Enabled Information Barbara feels that other employees in the company would benefit from gaining access to the Restaurant Database. Leonard asks whether the database can be made available to employees over the company network (I.e., Intranet). That way, employees could obtain company information using their desktop computers rather than using paper forms. Most employees, such as the customer representatives in the marketing department, do not need to access to the entire database, nor should they be able to make changes to the database objects.
Creating a Static Web Page Leonard has asked you to create an HTML document for the Customer table. He wants this data to be available to customer representatives working outside the office. Leonard wants you to create static Web pages because the customer representatives need to view them only once a month to complete their monthly status reports. Select the Customer table from Restaurant Database Export the table as HTML file. Select nothing Select: “Export data with formatting and layout”
Creating an Static Web Page Easy to create and maintain Stored outside the database Simple to publish Only reflect the state of the Customer table at the time it was created. Does not allow continuous update because it’s not linked to the Customer table on which it is based.
Importing an Html Document as an Access Table Download and then open NewRest HTML document. Close NewRest HTML document. Import NewRest HTML document into Restaurant database. Let the Access choose the primary key. Save as Potential Customers
Importing and Exporting an XML Document Download Loans XML document. Universal way to transmit data because of the Internet Import Loans XML document into Restaurant database. Save as Loans XML Export Customer table as an XML document