CONGRESS Located at / known as Capitol Hill, Washington D.C. (District of Columbia) Congress is a law-making body It is bicameral: the upper house (the Senate) and the lower house (House of Representatives)
THE SENATE There are two senators from each state, regardless of the size of the state: the Senate represents all states equally. There are 100 senators The vice president is the presiding officer, the active head of the majority. Senators are elected for 6 years. One third of the Senate is elected every 2 years.
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The number of reprsentatives depends on the size of the state (i.e. its population): a proportional representation. A new census is made every 10 years. There are 435 representatives or seats. The head is called the speaker; it is chosen from the majority. Representatives hold office for 2 years. Below the speaker are: the majority leader and the majority whip.
Congress: lower and uppr houses Both senators and representatives are elected by the citizens of their state. Art.1 Sect.8 in the constitution: Congressional powers. Congress levy and collect taxes; regulate commerce; borrow money; raise armies; declare war; coin money; make laws (limited by the 1st Amendment) All money-raising, tax or budget bill come from the House.
CONGRESS Both chambers include standing or permanent committees specializing in one issue. They set up hearings, conduct research, find compromises before the bill goes to Congress, and make proposals). Each bill (projet de loi) must be passed by a majority in the two chambers.